


Class of 1975     50th Reunion

"This is the big one" – Fred Sanford

Planning for the Class of 75's 50th Reunion has begun.

Dates: 29 October – 1 November 2025. Venue: Hotel Polaris at the North Gate. Football game against Army.

Click the link (Right) to access the Class Reunion Page for all the latest information.


Lost Souls: The Reunion committee is trying to contact as many as possible regarding the upcoming reunion. If you know how to reach any of these "Lost Souls" (Link Right), please pass that information to one of the reunion committee members.

Checkpoints      December 2024              Foster Bitton
Days Until Graduation
          Class of 2025
          Class of 2026
          Class of 2027
          Class of 2028
Days Since Graduation  
          Class of 1975
Days Since 5 July 1971

Inputs Galore: The Geritol must be kicking in because there were more inputs this quarter than there have been for the last 10 years, and some of them were almost intelligible.

Len Salvemini was inducted into the USAFA Athletics Hall of Fame at the East Club of Falcon Stadium on October 18th, and several of his CS-16 squadronmates were on hand to celebrate the event with him.

The Hacker Classic members held their annual desecration of golf and its courses in Colorado this year. Using Roy Rice’s “unique” handicap system, Rod Hennek was the overall net winner, Tom Popp carded the overall low gross score, and Larry Fariss took home the prestigious “most room to improve” award. At last report Roy is still on suspension for trying to rig numerous state lotteries, and Tom has won enough on golf side bets that his amateur status should have been revoked years ago, so any results from this outing can be taken with a grain of salt. The cabal provided photos of its members obscuring some great mountain scenery, which you can view at your leisure to the right of this column. You may not notice a significant difference between the various mob members because the truth is that all old men look alike, and if you doubt that just ask one of your young granddaughters who doesn’t have a fully developed tact filter.

Hugo Gray went to a Washington Nationals baseball game on Air Force Appreciation Night, where the SecAF, CSAF, Honor Guard, and Singing Sergeants were all in attendance. Also on hand was the current Miss America (and recent AFA grad) 2Lt Madison Marsh. In Hugo’s account, “She was mingling, so I stepped up and chatted. She was nice enough to pose for photos.” The encounter was probably more aptly described as stalking, and there’s at least a 50/50 chance that Hugo photoshopped himself into the picture, but it’s a good likeness of 2Lt Marsh, so it’s being included in our section of CP.


Gregory V. White
9 June 2023

Kelly Stinson
27 January 2025

Chris Soto
16 October 2024

Richard Duesing
1 September 2024

Tom Darner
19 July 2024

Tom Kemp
28 April 2024

Tom Peterson
20 April 2024



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Class of 1975


 Prep School



Association of Graduates

















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