Winter 1994          Jeff Hackett

Form 10 Action Threatened! Last article set records /stop/ Sixty-one names in print /stop/ Over seven pages and nearly 2500 words /stop / Checkpoints editor personally called to say... “STOP!” (writing such long articles). I was going to put up a fight; talk about the average length of the 34 articles I’ve written and use a lot of gee-whiz knowledge from the statistics class I'm currently taking, but quickly recognized that this man holds an editor's red pen and may unceremoniously censor some of my future “good” work. I yield – but ask that each and every one of you challenge my brevity by continuing to write as much and as often as you can. (Editor’s note: Thanks, Jeff!)

Here’s Something Every Past And Future Article Could Do Without. Was notified just before Christmas that John Steward died in an F-16A accident over the Atlantic Ocean on December 17th (publication schedules being what they are I doubt that a eulogy will make it into Gone But Not Forgotten for this issue). I sent a card to Cynthia on behalf of the class; hope you and your family will give additional warm and supportive thoughts as you read this. As the scribe, I’ve said it seven times before this and I'll say it again – put down the magazine right now and go tell your wife and kids, your “significant other", or whomever, how much they mean to you. And tell 'em again tomorrow.

Santa’s Mailbag. Received the annual Season‘s Greetings and tidbits of class news from eight of you so far. (I say “so far" because it’s not yet the end of the year and there may be others, like myself, who have yet to get to the task.) Things are pretty much as I’ve previously reported with Dennis and Leslie Brooks, still in Colorado Springs. Denny’s getting much use from his modified golf cart and is still teaching model rocketry. Leslie pinned on Lt. Colonel’s leaves this year and was able to move her Reserve job to NORAD.

Dave Commons continues to “fight the tide” by not sending a computer-generated/Xeroxed Christmas letter with his card, just a traditional, personal hand-written note...yeah, that’s Dave – the old traditionalist, NOT! He, Barb, and the boys like Austin (TX) although after 18 months he claims they're still getting settled. Dave’s flying international for Delta out of Atlanta. So far, Mark and Lucy Donnelly haven’t been able to make it over to our house although they were supposed to be in Phoenix for the Holidays. From the rest of their letter I would deduce that the “no-show" is attributable to either: A) unexpected travel needs of the new administration (“lots of trips and they seem to view the weekends as travel days"), or B) an opportunity to go an NHL game (they've become fans of the Capitals – and if you can follow an under .500 team – you're a fan!).

Chris Glaeser sent a card and a "gift" (a letter to the Scribe that had been sitting in his computer for a couple of months – see below). Chris and Karen managed two trips to Europe this year, first to pick up and ferry back home a new A-320 for Northwest Airlines and later, to go to a reunion of the Empire Test Pilot School (southern England). If all of that leaves you a little envious, Chris balanced the scales a bit with news that his Guard unit is going to transition from the F-16 to the KC-135.

Brian and Sandy Gomes’ card once again included a great family photo and their signatures! In the interest of space-savings, I’ll hold on to the photo until I get their missing letter or they use some of their (U.S. Air pilot) travel privileges to escape North Carolina for a visit to Phoenix. Based on the amount of traveling he's done (200 days TDY), I’m a little surprised Dale Meyerrose’s card came with an Oklahoma City post mark. I guess going to Southwest Asia, Europe, etc. is just something communications group commanders have to do. He and Linda are doing fine; you’ll have to imagine how great their three girls looked in a picture from Disneyland (another thing the editor normally won't print is pictures that do not include a grad).

Major update from Kent and Carole Traylor's Christmas letter – he has taken command of the 71st Fighter Squadron at Langley! Carole continues to contribute well beyond the boundaries of her nursing career; very active with national nursing association AWHONN (don’t ask me what that stands for). Talk about covering the bases – got a Christmas card, letter, and picture plus a PRODIGY E-mail from Jon and Diane Turner. Jon will leave the United Airlines Training Center in January to start regularly flying the line. Diane is now in her sixth year as director of a Colorado Springs pre-school. Their family picture, taken at the “Field of Dreams" farmhouse/baseball field, was superb but a bit small for reproduction here.

People Who Wrote Without World-Wide Holiday Provocation. As previously mentioned, Chris Glaeser included a letter he had penned back in October with his Christmas card; much news on our classmates. Chris saw Terry Markovitch at Edwards AFB. Terry was flying C-23s out at TPS but by now has PCSd to Melbourne, FL to become ADO on the JSTARS Program. Wife Mary and four kids are fine and there was something about two grandchildren that l either could not or refused to understand. Terry, please clarify ASAP. Chris ran into Eric Buhyoff at the airport recently; imagine that, two airline pilots meeting each other at an airport! Eric flies 747s for NWA; he, Jamie, and their daughter (Erica) live outside Sacramento. Chris got a call from ye-olde Class President, Jim Carlson, letting us know that he and wife, Katie, have relocated to Bloomington, MN where Katie is enrolled in law school at U of M. Also moving to follow the better half to school is Art Billingslea. Wendy started two years of Episcopal minister training in Austin, TX; sold the house in Ann Arbor, MI and took three kids to live in the land of the Longhorns. Art now commutes to Detroit to fly A-320s for NWA. In the “senselessly circuitous" category comes word that Pete Strunk (whose house I drive by everyday on the way to work) is a DC-9 first officer with NWA. He, Katie, and the three girls are reportedly doing fine. Mike Crider is flying 727s for NWA and is commander of the 136 FIS (NY ANG) in Niagara Falls.

Got follow-up notes from recent letters: Roy Rice heard from Jed Vandendries who is now commander of the 43 FS up in Alaska. He passed up a chance at infamy recently when he took the new Secretary of the Air Force for an F-I5 ride and didn’t make her sick (was ordered not to by the wing commander). Another Alaska note from a telecon with Kent Traylor: Jack Barton had a pretty good reason for not attending Kent‘s take-command ceremony in November – he was having his own ceremony that day, taking command of the 54 FS (F-15E?). Rod Kallman amended his last E-mail to tell us that Mike Reese is commander of the 2 OSS at Barksdale AFB and that Bill Stewart is the boss of the 7lst Rescue Squadron at Patrick AFB, FL.

No extra postage was required on Brian Duffy’s letter as he wrote it after his last trip into space. He, Jan, and their two children like Houston and, despite the ups and downs of the space business (Brian’s words – not mine!), he says he’s ready to go “look at Earth" again. Brian advises that Kelley Bishop and his family are now in Derby, KS, and that Greg Frick has PCSd to the Netherlands.

In addition to the phone numbers and address in this coIumn’s header, I can also be reached by PRODIGY E-mail at SFWD67A, and INTERNET at for you electronic folks.

Living Dangerously! Approaching editor's limit already /stop/ saw Joe Debes and Ed Zerambo at AZ AOG “Sports Bar" (USMA-USAFA football game) meeting /stop/ hopefully more on them after “Super Bowl” meeting /stop/ got “hello” INTERNET E-mail from Ric Lewallen, commander 18th Comm Squadron at Kadena AB, Japan /stop/ he promises “details to follow" /stop/ really is later than you think /stop/ by order of the editor I really must.../stop/


Spring 1994          Jeff Hackett

Beware – I’m In A Foul Mood! There’s a lot of things I like about being the Class Scribe…unfortunately I can’t seem to remember what any of them are right now as I'm facing the three biggest aggravations all at once. #3 – It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Arizona; Spring Training is in full swing and I'm sitting here banging on the keyboard trying to beat a deadline. #2 – A miserably small amount of input from you folks (yes, I’ll admit that this could actually work in my favor; short article, jet out of here and catch the last couple innings). #1 – Too much input from the AOG...another “we regret to inform you" letter.

Bill Linn passed away in early March [1991] after an extended illness. That’s the extent of what I know and, once again, I’m guessing the publication schedules being what they are, there won't be anything in this issue's Gone But Not Forgotten. I sent a card to Bill's parents on behalf of the class; those wishing to send additional personal condolences or thoughts can call me for the address. And once again, whether you knew Bill well, or like me only recognized the name/face, don't just read over this with a “damn!" and move on – take the time today to let those you love know it.

Back? – Good, I Feel Better Too. Leftovers. Deep in my subconscious l must have expected your lack of input for this article and purposely sloughed off Dan Burkett’s November E-mail (by holding on to it I have 25 percent more to write about). Dan validated my third-party one-liner in the Fall issue – he escaped Joint Staff and moved on to Wright-Pat where he became the “king” (my word) of F-16 Core Avionics. Said he’d actually spoken to Randy Davis who is deputy in the SOF program office and that he saw Fred Whitican’s name on a membership roster at a Southwest Ohio AOG Chapter meeting.

Tom and Anne Barbera’s Christmas card/letter came the week after Christmas (after the last article was in the mail and about 51 weeks before I expect to get our 93/94 Christmas cards out!). Besides the outstanding photo they included news of their life in lcklingham, England. Tom enjoys his clinical work and is chief of surgery for the 48th Medical Group at RAF Lakenheath. For the time being he's only had to locally handle the hassle of having a large part of their group deployed to Croatia. Christmas plans this year (Daniel’s first) were to go back to Wiesbaden and spend some time with Anne's family.

My foul mood has subsided somewhat, which is a good thing because if it hadn’t, the editor would be slipping in the old “Parental Discretion" disclaimer at this point as l tell you that I found out six months later and very much second hand that my old roommate, Chuck Holland, got married in August. Chuck’s parents spoke mighty highly of Roxanne in their Christmas card/letter, so I’m guessing it‘s not that he's trying to hide this from us. Maybe he's just so darned busy with work (arms reduction negotiations/treaties out of Offutt AFB) that he hasn’t yet got around to calling or writing the Scribe. One way or another, we'll be talking about Chuck more in the next article!

Winners And Losers On Internet. As promised, Ric Lewallen lent me the Far East scoop in an INTERNET note last month. Ric is commander of the 18th Communications Squadron at Kadena Air Base – misses flying but says there are lots of “neat” things going on in the communications arena. I suppose Ric runs into Chris Budinsky, Barry Abbott, and Steve Brown at commanders’ calls; they command the 961st Airborne Warning and Control Squadron, the 17th Special Operations Squadron, and the 12th Fighter Squadron, respectively. Steve Groathouse is in an equally pivotal position as the 18th Operations Group Maintenance officer.

Ric also wanted to get us caught up on: Doug Frasier who had been commander of one of the F-15 squadrons at Kadena but left for school last summer as did Joe Dowdy who was the Wing Safety officer. From off “the Rock" Ric noted that Dean Cox is commander of the Space Support Unit in the Seychelles, Rudy Roth is the dermatologist at Travis AFB, and Don Byers is still with the California ANG and U.S. Air.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised that a guy with all the “insider smarts" of an Air Force communications squadron commander could make the INTERNET thing work and that an airline pilot couldn’t (“where's the autopilot switch on this damn thing?”). Actually, I give Paul Kent extra credit for attempting the E-mail thing, taking time to make hardcopy of the “failed delivery" message, and then mailing it to me via the postman. Paul and his wife, Sherri, are looking forward to a “successful delivery” (of their second child) soon. Paul said that he sees Bob Thompson, John Wissman, Sam Hollins, and Mike Banker on a fairly regular basis as he flies to/from the Far East for Northwest Airlines. By the way Paul, we should probably ask Ric to be sure, but I think the problem may have been in the CompuServe to INTERNET hookup.

The Surly Mood Has Returned. Rats! Although this was short, it was longer than any of the Spring Training games. As a symbolic gesture of retaliation, I’ll refuse to relate the C-o-A card info telling you where Messrs. Byrd, Fleming, or Jewell have moved to – if they really wanted us to know what’s happening in their lives, they would have called, written, or E-Mailed the Scribe. Before it gets much later (later than you think!) I’m going to go out and enjoy the rest of the day.

















Tom, Anne, & Daniel Barbera
on vacation in Ireland

Summer 1994          Jeff Hackett

Dateline: Hill AFB. It's the annual road-show version of the class article and I'll have to tell you the porter darn near threw out his back carrying the bag that held all the material I have for this article! Not only was there ample input, y’all also managed to exercise every medium of communication available with the possible exception of telepathy...or maybe one of you did try it and that wasn’t a case of indigestion I had the other day!

In Your Face! Fortuitous timing brought me to Salt Lake City just in time to have a face-to-face talk with Air War College graduate Dave Wallace. Dave was “passing through" to visit his family and home on his way to Izmir, Turkey where he’ll be working at 6ATAF. Belle will be taking a hiatus from teaching at Weber State so that she and the boys can join Dave for his two-year assignment beginning in July.

Dave had many good stories and lots of info on his AWC classmates; to save space (and relieve a little anxiety), I’ll only pass along the news and let you see the “FOR THE RECORD" picture. As you read the text you'll have to imagine you can connect names with faces since, by the time you get to AWC, you obviously no longer have to stand in straight lines! Working roughly from left then: Jim Corrigan, going to Joint Staff (J8); Mr. Viper Gooch himself (Dave), Bob Lynn, also to Joint Staff (J3); Dave Ehrhart, EUCOM deputy Legal “dude" (Dave’s words) at Stuttgart, Germany; Phil Martin, USCINCPAC Staff at Camp HM Smith in Hawaii; John Charlton, Guard advisor for the A-10 unit at Battle Creek, MI; Andy Dichter, also to Air Staff (XOOC); Kurt Bock, OG/CD at Andrews AFB; Bill Dalson and just in front and next to him, Steve Farnham, to Joint and Air Staff (J5 and XORC, respectively); Steve Duresky, T-38 squadron commander at Randolph; Clay McFarland, HQ Allied Forces Northwest, Stavangar, Norway; and Gary Craig, NORAD Staff. Not pictured: Carl VanPelt, also to Joint Staff (J36); and Ted Hilbun, 2nd Group AOC at USAFA. Just before Dave left L.A. (Lower Alabama) he went bug-smash flying with Bill Davis who was up from Tyndall AFB where he had been requaling in the F-15 enroute to being deputy operations group commander at Langley AFB.

Since l last wrote, Debby and I also had the chance to have Mark Fantasia over for dinner. Mark, the sage instructor, was in Phoenix riding herd on a Defense Systems Management College class that was visiting my employer, McDonnell Douglas Helicopters. Mark's been teaching at DSMC for a couple of years; likes the work and he/family enjoy the area. (If that all sounds a bit ambiguous it's because I can’t locate the notes l made the night Mark was over and am running on (im)pure memory)!

Next Best Thing To Being There. Four telephone calls came in. Let me be the first to acknowledge that Chuck Holland is not a shameless human being; he took the hint from the last article and called me the very day he got the magazine! He filled in some details by letting us know that he's a branch chief in STRATCOM (has two Zoomies and two Canoe-U boys in his office), he and Roxanne bought a house, and daughter (Leah) has just finished seventh grade. Chuck ran into fellow CS-14 grad Frank Dubuisson at the local shopping center the other day and discovered that they’ve been living fairly close to one another for the past year. Frank’s flying for FedEx. Chuck also ran into Duane Jones in June when Duane was on a visit to Offutt from Joint Staff (Staffing). He apparently likes the work and says that the very best part is that he does not work within the confines of the Pentagon.

One of my other calls was from Kent Traylor. Although I’ve kept y’all pretty much up to date on Kent, Carol, and Megan, l did want to pass along that Kent's squadron (71FIS at Langley AFB) won the Hughes Trophy for the outstanding Fighter Squadron worldwide in 1993. Guess there was a big write-up in the 16 May Air Force Times. Kent’s reward?...the “opportunity” to take his squadron on an overseas deployment for 120 days!

Did l really say Tom Byers in the last article? My apologies! Don must have had a sixth sense as he called to chat with me before the magazine hit the street. Most everything else l’ve said is correct. Don’s living in Fresno, flying Metroliners for the California ANG and 737s for US Air. Don has three girls. Don passes along the rumor that Duane Lodrige has remarried (either way, this should be good for a letter from Mrs. Lodrige)!

Jim Burling gave me a wonderful break from the grind at work with a call in late March. He, Micci, and the three kids were down for a Rockies spring training game. They had to hurry and get their baseball-fix in as they have by now arrived at RAF Feltwell where Jim will be commander of a space surveillance unit. Jim was his typical font of knowledge: brother-in-law (married Jim‘s sister Becky), John Gaughan, has been a KC-135 squadron commander at Mountain Home AFB, but was getting ready to go to Naval War College (Newport, RI) this summer. When he gets there he might run into one of the token (USAF) blue-suit instructors, Kevin Donovan. Bruce and Nancy Fritzsche and their three children are in the Springs where Bruce is the Head-Guy-Whats-in-Charge of USAFA athletic facilities. Mark Howes is working for Honeywell (in Minneapolis?) And another guy to add to the Northwest list – Jack Storer. Jack, who's married to another NWA (Theresa), and their three children live in Wisconsin.

Springtime Scribe Sniveling Brings Summertime Letters. lf not for the previous photo, I was prepared to submit the couple that Terry Young had just passed along from ACSC circa 1990! Seems Terry had inadvertently packed them away before moving from Montgomery to Grand Forks AFB – now, as he prepared to move to Scott AFB, he found them! Terry’s going to Scott to be commander of the 375 Services Squadron. Peg and the two kids will join him after summer activities in North Dakota are complete. Terry catches us up on Todd Zejdlik who is flying for NWA out of Minneapolis, but more importantly, is the father of a one-year-old daughter, Anjoli. Terry heard a second-or-third-hand story about Jack Shine in a Sushi Bar in Japan and asks that anyone who knows of Jack's location or exploits, call Terry at Scott AFB.

Got a belated invitation to the 492 FS (F-15E) change-of-command ceremony in March where Buck Rogers took the reins. He had a good excuse for being late – right after he took over, he took the squadron on a deployment to patrol the skies of Southeast Europe. Said he kept things calm at night and that Tom Popp’s A-10 squadron held the line during the day. Buck said he couldn’t wait for Mark Beesley to get to RAF Lakenheath and get checked out in the F-15E so that he could start to learn to “be the bomb.” Buck also noted that Bob Turner recently gave up his F-15C squadron when Bitburg AB closed down and is patiently waiting for assignment as 31st Operations Group Deputy Commander (at ?).

Told you in the last article that Dean Cox was in the middle of the Indian Ocean; no more! Dean wrote to say he was on his way to the Pentagon for a year of training then it’s off to Copenhagen where he’ll be air attaché to Denmark. Dean’s been on island for too long…all he had to say about this assignment is what a bummer it is that he’ll have to miss our 20-year reunion!

Oh Yea? Well Then &%$#@ You! I Cancel! That’s pretty much a quote from my “discussion” with the customer service folks at PRODIGY the night I discovered their new, “improved” software update made it impossible for me to retrieve E-Mail off my old Macintosh. A few days before this unfortunate turn of events I was able to grab a note from Steve Vargo’s wife, Ann. Seems I caught Ann’s eye in a previous article when I cast (only the very slightest) aspersion on some Airbus pilot. Well, it turns out that wasn’t our only classmate wandering the skies with a hand firmly on the joystick! Steve flies the “Bus” for NWA out of Detroit also and Ann is a supervisory air traffic controller there. (“Steve gets sent around at least once a month whether he needs it or not!”) Steve occasionally returns to real flying with the Reserve C-5 unit at Kelly AFB. Other than that, the "Vargo Flying Squadron" just tends to life with daughter Shawn, three dogs, two cats, frog, fish, hamster, etc.

As l just noted, l no longer have a PRODIGY address (and my daughter knows a few more words) but I’m still on INTERNET! Please make a note of the slightly different address routing. I know it still works as I got another E-Mail from Ric Lewallen at Kadena AB. Ric said he’s looking forward to getting back to the states in the summer of '95, in time for the 20-year reunion. Not a whole lot is new over there except for the fact that Chris and Penny Budinsky have by now had their sixth (!) child...I thought those AWACS guys went TDY a lot?!

And The “Winner” Is…By the time you read this some “lucky" devil who lives in the Colorado Springs area will have “volunteered” to head up our reunion effort. That individual and (knowing how we middle-managers like to delegate things to those around us with greater skills) his spouse would probably really like to hear from other Colorado residents who could help out somehow. Volunteers should call the AOG.

Imagine That! With this line I am officially one paragraph over the editor’s limit... I’m out of inputs (thanks for all you sent and keep ‘em coming)... I’m out of ideas... And it's later than I thought!


'75ers at Air War College

Fall 1994          Jeff Hackett

Please Make A (Temporary) Record Of The Change! Note the Hackett family’s address for the past/next few months; phone numbers and INTERNET address are unchanged. We're in the (oh-so-fun) process of moving into a rental while new house is being built. Actually it’s all very exciting and a little hard to believe (WARNING: those still in the PCS cycle skip to next paragraph) – as we've lived in this house for slightly less than 13 years. Mailbox spider has threatened to follow us to the new residence; I leave it to each of you to make him feel unwanted there!

Reunion News! - Happy to announce that Mark (and Donna) Wells have volunteered to coordinate our 20th Reunion activities (4-8 Oct 95). Mark is conveniently located there in Fairchild Hall (Department of History) and brings some experience from working our 10-year reunion. His enthusiasm was extremely evident and he talked about a few ’75ers he was pretty sure he could put the “arm twist" on for help. Nonetheless, like so many things we were told about in our formative years, in this case - more is better; if you’re in the area and can help or just have some phenomenal ideas Mark asked that you call him. On the personal side – Mark, Donna and the kids have been back at the Zoo for about a year and a half this time and are enjoying living up in Monument. Mark also said he’s been able to keep very active in T-41 flying and was looking forward to getting checked out in the new airplane (see last issue).

Another note about the reunion - with my concurrence, the AOG has blocked out rooms for us at the Marriott (couple exits south of South Gate). Each of you should be getting a package in the mail by mid-February that will provide more info and the official reservations paper work. (Those who choose to do their own thing with the Marriott WILL RECEIVE A FORM 10 AND WILL MARCH TOURS ON REUNION WEEKEND!) If you don't receive paperwork, call the AOG.

When Ya Gotta Have Good Mexican Food… How fortunate for us that Dave Commons was out at Luke AFB for a week in September and that Barb was able to come out to join us for some South-of-the-Border fare. Dave's Reserve unit (Bergstrom AFB) has gaggled out here for F-16C upgrade academics and Barb just did what airline pilot families do and dropped in for the weekend! They and the boys are living in Austin, TX although Dave flies International (L-1011) out of Atlanta for Delta. As always Dave had many great stories to relate. He ran into Mark Donnelly in Paris in June. Mark, a pilot with the 89th Airlift Wing, had brought some dignitaries over for the Normandy reunion. He'd also recently run into Dave Dyche in the Atlanta airport; Dave (Dyche) is a C-130 squadron commander at Yokota AB. One would think that, having Bergstrom all to themselves, the F-16 Reservists would stay close to home but nooooo – Dave was at Nellis and Kadena last (‘93) summer. Mostly confirmed some stuff that was in the last couple of articles with the following additions: Dale “Muddy” Waters was finishing up as deputy commandant of the Weapons School at Nellis and was off to an assignment which was discussed on a Friday night at the club (i.e. details “lost in the fog of battle”). Charlie Simmons, ops officer for the Montgomery Guard F-16 unit and a fellow Delta pilot, was also there. By now his son has finished his freshman year in college! And a final sighting from Dave – Bob Walden is moving out of the Delta Training Department and onto the line as an MD-80 first officer.

As I write this, I wonder if Rick Benbow has calmed down yet; Rick mentioned in the letter he sent me that he, Dick Duesing and their families we’re going to catch the USAFA-UTEP football game in the Alamodome. Well that was this weekend and I’ll bet our fellow ’75ers were instrumental in cheering on the Falcons to the first win in ’94. Rick and Dick are Reserve C-5 squadron mates at Kelly. Rick lives there in San Antonio and flies 737s for U.S. Air. Rick passed on some “reunion previews” that he picked up while on a visit to the Springs (something to do on a 23-hour layover in Denver!). Most notable/distressing is that he found no traces of Families Sub Shops!

Belts And Suspenders And Safety Pins. Jim Carlson wanted to be sure he got his message through. He called me. He wrote me. He sent me E-mail. Jim and Katie are in the Minneapolis area where he’s doing computer/software consulting for the state (revolutionizing the driver’s license system) and she’s just finished her first year of law school. Actually, the letter I got from Jim wasn’t from Minneapolis, it was from Saudi Arabia where Jim (U.S. Navy Reserve O-5 selectee) is taking a 90-day turn at running the Air Defense Desk for the U.S. Military Training Mission. It’s a Reservist’s dream come true (not counting the separation from family and the less-than-wonderful accommodations/work hours) doing meaningful and interesting work with the active force. The plan is for Jim to be home in time for Thanksgiving.

More Electronic Emissions. The INTERNET craze has started to reach the Class of ’75. Got three other E-mail messages including an especially informative one from Bill Murray. Bill’s at Wright-Patterson AFB where he was wrapping up his responsibilities as deputy program manager for Combat Talon ll and getting ready to set up shop as the program manager for C-141 Training. If you get to WPAFB and play a round of golf look for Bill, Judy, their 16-year-old daughter, plus two dogs as you tee off on #6 - their house is right behind the tee box. Bill has the word on many classmates: Sam Ryals is also at WPAFB as the program manager for the AC-l30U Gunship. Dan Mahrer is a student at Defense Systems Management Course, he was program manager for KC-135 upgrade. Corrie Kundert beat the rush and has already retired from the Air Force; living in a big, beautiful home in Sacramento and looking at going to pharmacy school. Phil Meteer is an engineer for Veda Corporation there in Dayton and flies F-16s in the Reserves. Gary Matson flies for Southwest Airlines out of Houston. Bob Orwig got a PhD of business administration at NE Louisiana State and is flying C-141s in the Reserves – just got back from Cairo. (All of that and Bill didn’t even have to lick a stamp)!

I should have known that affirmed CWDS-09 academic wizard, Gemot Pomrenke, would finally write to the Scribe when he could do so in a high-tech way. It’s no surprise (and I feel better about paying taxes knowing) that Gernot is working in the Air Force Office of Scientific Research where he's responsible for basic research on electronic and photonic materials. He’ll soon be moving over to the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) to head an effort on ultra small structures for microelectronics. (As a mech major l'm just happy if I can spell all those things right)!

The last E-mail was actually a follow-up to another dinner with classmate and spouse; this time with Bob and Libby Heath. I had been oblivious to the fact that Bob and I were fellow IMA Reservists at the Ogden Air Logistics Center until this summer's conference up there. Libby (like Barb Commons), being the wife of an airline pilot, just “popped on up” to Utah for the big dinner on Friday night. Between her grace and charm and the speech BG Steve Ritchie, '64, gave, this was a dinner to be remembered! Bob (like Dave Commons) flies for Delta and they live in Austin, TX. Bob passed along a sighting on his BCT roommate, Gary Whitfield. Gary’s a 757 first officer flying out of Detroit and living in Houston.

Don’t Want To Be Late And Over The Page Limit. Four other phone calls to quickly tell you about. John Noetzel had a pretty good excuse for not taking on the reunion POC job – he, Debbie and the kids are leaving Space Command and are on their way to the Pentagon (XOXS). One screw-job at a time. Mike Johnston‘s wife, Barbara, called me from Atlanta a couple of weeks ago to let us know that Mike made partner in his law firm this May. Rich Chanick made a (local) call to me last week; he and Mary are doing well but remain very busy (successful) with their business. Between that and the hubbub with moving the Hackett household our dinner rendezvous got pushed past the article deadline; hope to have more in the next article.

Normally I Think Of These As Sad Words. But tonight l think “Last Call" (and last thing I have to write about) sounds darn good! I’m having a hard time reading the notes I took while talking to Bruce Fritzsche on the phone last week – I was rolling with laughter. He was actually disappointed that the reunion POC job was filled...he and Jim Schuman had decided that this would be a fitting punishment on Dr. Raoul Buron for standing them up at the 1st Falcon Football Luncheon this year. Told you last time that Bruce is the king of Athletic Facilities at USAFA, this includes the Stadium, the Field House, the Gyms and Athletic Fields, and “an occasional call from some coaches who think their office floors might be too dusty.” Jim is 3rd Group AOC. Raoul is “way up in the Behavioral Science Department” and in charge of Cadet Counseling Center. Larry Bryant is also at USAFA; he runs everything that has to do with computer LANs there. Bruce also mentioned that he had seen (or heard from?) Gary Vosburgh who is a Reservist at Scott teaching C-9 academics.

I’m off to pack and lift another couple of boxes – hoping this won’t lead to some back specialist telling me, “Tsk, tsk, tsk; Mr. Hackett, you should have realized – it’s later than you think!”


LCDR Carlson on-duty
in Sunny Saudi Arabia



1. Lt Col Bob Shappell, Lt Col Eric Hoganson, Lt Col Bob Ryan, Lt Col Perry Lamy & Lt Col Dan McCorry at Edwards AFB.

2-3. Julius Hargrove on the occasion of his retirement from the Air Force with family and friends.

4. Bill & Cathy Carrothers and family on the occasion of his retirement from the Air Force.




5. J. D Barrowclough, Center Right(Ron Fucillo)

6. John Charlton, Air War College Class of 1994.

7. Brian Duffy with colleagues Scott & Dianne Phillips at the Kennedy Space Center's "Tacky Tourist Party." (Scott Phillips, March 1994)

8. Perry Lamy: This photo was taken during a departure celebration/party at the B-2 Combined Test Force at Edwards AFB. I was completing a three year-tour (1991-1994) as Squadron Commander for the 420 Flight Test Squadron (the operations squadron assigned to support the B-2 flight test program with test pilots, test engineers, and test program managers) on my way to Air War College at Maxwell AFB. The squadron organized the traditional "going away" party complete with speeches, plaques, and food. This photo was taken following my remarks thanking the team for their support and program success. My son Nicholas who was born shortly after taking command in Aug 1991 was almost 3 years old and attended the party in his little flight suit (he didn't understand why he had to stay still and wait in his seat while I was speaking; he was the hit of the party).
 (Perry Lamy, June 1994)




9. Mark Lenci & his officer crew about the U.S.S Houston.

10. Rex Hoey & daughter Jillian: I wore that outfit at Sheppard UPT graduations, which happened about every 6 weeks.



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