Winter 1993          Jeff Hackett

Hackett’s Theorem On the Half-Life Of Good Intentions. I hesitate to give any kind of praise for the overwhelming amount of input that I’ve received for this installment of the class news for fear that it will sabotage the good intentions of those who are just about to write/call/E-mail something for the spring magazine. Or perhaps I can keep it in perspective by saying that although 16 of you helped me write this edition, 733 of you are “readers only” and should grab your pen, telephone, or keyboard before you go any further.

Belay That Order and Go Tell Your Family How Much They Mean To You. Our classmate Tom Summers lost a valiant struggle against leukemia in early October. l got the news from Dan Hites, a '68 grad, who worked with Tom at Northrop. With Dan's help, our class sent flowers to Tom's wife, Tobie, and the three children with what l hope are your collective thoughts:

The common bond between classmates, those with whom we were close and those we “only” shared a unique experience with, is stirred by Tom's passing. As each of us hears the sad news, please know that our thoughts will go to our own fond memories, to you with whom Tom shared these years since graduation, and to the God with whom he now rests. 

– USAF Academy Class of 1975

A USAFA First! lf you want to get a feel for the environment and the kind of responsibility a U.S. Navy attack submarine commander has to deal with, you could go rent “The Hunt for Red October" or you could call Mark Lenci, who is now commander of the U.S.S. Houston (SSN-713)! [Interesting note: the Houston was actually used for all the filming in that movie!]. Mark sent along a bunch of items from the change-of-command ceremony; I found this picture and the tidbit that the Houston has spent 1,660 days submerged over the past 10 years most interesting! Mark says that when Dan McCorryand Jim Marburger aren’t helping him heap it on USNA grads about their football team they’re serving as the commander of the Test Squadron at Edwards and as a lawyer here in Phoenix, respectively.

An Avid Reader Silver Star And Faithful Writer Gold Star! l'm sure glad Ed Sienkiewicz likes to read and write. As he did last spring, he’s combed through various items of Air Force journalism to glean out news of our classmates. In this case it’s a bit of a dubious distinction to see that Don Snelgrove has joined the ranks of ACES ll (ejection seat) testers. Don, who’s with the 86FW, Ramstein AB, stepped over the side of his ill F-16C while on an Operation Provide Comfort mission in Eastern Turkey. Glad to say no injuries were reported. Ed also saw reference to the Mike Mark Memorial Field House at Bitburg AB in an Airman magazine article; hard to believe it’s been over 14 years since his accident. By the way, l have an update on the Bitburg personality Ed wrote us about last spring. Bob Turner is now the commander of the 53rd Fighter Squadron. ln a first-hand account, Ed notes that Bob Marr, Debbie and family are also up at Griffiss AFB. Bob works in Current Operations at Northeast Air Defense Sector. An amazing question from Ed; can anyone else match his string of attending seven straight USAFA-USMA football games at West Point (every game since 1980)?

The Revolving Door Turns In Both Directions! Got a letter from Bill Murray to belatedly let us know that he came back on active duty (after six years as a civilian and part-time guard pilot) in 1990. He, Judy, and the two girls are just arriving at Wright-Patterson AFB where he will work on the Combat Talon ll Program (same program he worked on as a civilian at E-Systems)! The Murray’s are returning from Spain where he held jobs as 401 FW scheduler, executive to 16 AF commander, and commander of the 600th Mission Support Squadron. Bill said that the Murray family will miss Jon Ball and his family who were also in Spain (F-16 squadron ops officer who saw action in Desert Storm) but have moved on to Washington, DC (the Pentagon). O.K., go back to the picture and tell me where you‘ve seen that pretty face before? (and I damn sure don't mean Bill!) [Hint: look at the Squadron Sweethearts in your 1° Yearbook.]

Hi-Tech “Hello” From Good Ol’ STVV25A. Got an E-mail (over Prodigy) from Dan Burkett who startled me by saying that he “left the Air Force in 1988.” What that really means is that, since that time, he’s been in DOD and/or Joint-Service schools/assignments! Currently in something called Joint Staff, J-8, Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment. Also on Joint Staff: Richard (Duck) Layman, Mark (Tiny Dancer) Holmes, Arthur (Chip) Diehl, and Joe May (guess he showed up too recently to have earned a nickname). Recent parolees (Dan's term) were Larry Bryant – back to the Zoo, and Jerry Levesque – moved on to USAF Studies and Analysis. Dan ran into Mister/Major Rick Pyatt recently. Rick got out a year or so ago, flies for United and is an IMA reservist at the Pentagon (AF/XOOC). [For those of you on Prodigy, remember, Dan didn't even have to buy a postage stamp to get all that info to me]!

Saint Patrick’s Day Greetings. Sure, they were sent to me as Christmas cards, but by the time your read this it just seemed more appropriate... ln alphabetical order: 1) Denny Brooks and Leslie sent us a card and letter. Think l've been able to keep y’all up to speed on their comings and going (he’s a good person and writes to the Scribe often) but Denny did add a note that strongly suggests that, now that we’re getting older, anyone getting out or being “medically” retired/separated is welcome to call him in Colorado Springs. 2) Mike and Diane Buckley are still shoveling snow in Anchorage. Mike’s full-time job (737 captain for Alaska Airlines) is "about the same" but the world situation has meant travel to new and “exotic" places in his Guard job (C-130 pilot). 3) Tom and Rochelle Calhoun had only been back from their Jamaican honeymoon for a few weeks when they mailed off their Holiday card/letter. They, Andrea and Sean are in Redlands, CA. Tom’s director of Facility Planning for the local school district and is chief of Plans for the reserve wing which is about to move from Norton AFB to March AFB. Rochelle is a psychologist at the Patton State Hospital. 4) Dave and Barb Commons have moved into their house in Austin, TX where Dave is flying with the reserve F-16 unit at Bergstrom AFB. He's still with Delta but has moved his domicile to Dallas. I assume his incessant “Hail to the Redskins” B.S. keeps him in trouble with his co-workers. Too bad...NOT! 

Also, 5) Mark and Lucy Donnelly and the kids have been at Andrews for 3 1/2 years now. Mark's still flying the Gulfstream and Air Force One: “the job is the same, just different faces and places." 6) The Gomes family (Brian, Sandy, plus three) still have not fallen into the Holiday letter routine yet; just a nice card and family portrait. The postmark confirms that they're still in Charlotte, NC. You’ll have to rely on my hearsay to know that he’s still with U.S. Air and flying KC-10s with the USAFR. 7) Chris Glaeser sent a card and note to advise that he, Karen, and the three kids have moved on to a 10-acre “hobby" farm outside Minneapolis. Chris says the primary crop is weeds. He promised he’ll take time off from pulling those weeds and flying for Northwest to send along an informative letter before the next article.

Also, 8) got a card and a letter from the commander of the 3rd Combat Communications Group, Dale Meyerrose. He went to Tinker via National War College after his eighth year in Washington, DC (“didn't get a medal, so, figure l’m a lead-pipe cinch for heaven”). Joe Stein and Sam Ryals were in his class at NWC; Joe went on to NATO, Brussels, and Sam, who Dale claims went to NWC on an athletic scholarship, has moved into the C-27 Program Office at Wright-Pat. Pete Hennesseyis at the Oklahoma Air Logistic Center there at Tinker too. By some horrible errors in judgment, Dale (but not the Scribe!) got Christmas cards from Bentley Rayburn (soon to be Fighter Weapons School commandant), Bill Davis (still at Air Staff), and Dave Tillotson (USSPACECOM). 9) The Traylor family, Kent, Carol, and Meagan, are still at Langley AFB where Kent’s best story is of the two-ship F-15 flight he and Carl VanPelt took to McChord AFB. He and Carl (1st FW ADO) were there to be enroute escorts for a couple of SU-27s on their way to Langley for an official visit. While at McChord they worked with Scott Smith who was the interpreter for the visit.

Also, 10) Jon Turner is still teaching/flying with United in Denver. He, Diane and the kids still live in C-Springs where Jon flies with the reserves (C-130) and Diane continues as the director of a large Christian preschool. 11) Mark Volcheff penned a long note on the card he and Mary sent. Mark was squadron commander of the 52nd Airlift Squadron (C-141) at Norton until the pending base closure pushed that unit out of existence. Until he goes off to Air War College in July he’ll serve as the deputy operations group commander. Mark advises that Tom Fraley (Michelle) went PCS to Howard AB, Panama to fly the C-130 and be Chief of Safety. Dan Chapman is hanging on at Norton at the Inspection Safety Agency. Spence Roberts (Kelly) is doing important management things at FEDEX, “making/saving them millions.” 12) [Finally!] Wayne Willis is still at Holloman AFB and says he isn’t leaving until he gets another “good” assignment (one where you still get to fly airplanes and work with nice people)! He's now the test director for AFOTEC. Their big news was that Amy graduated from BYU last summer with a degree in interior design. All four kids are doing great.

Note that l have superb family pictures of the GomesTraylorTurner, and Willisfamilies but will attempt to be close to the editor’s space limitation by saving them for later.

Sound Bites (stlll trying to keep this short enough). Saw Chuck Holland's parents on a business trip to St. Louis – Chuck’s at STRATCOM (Offutt AFB) working on the strategic weapons treaties. Saw Dave Wallace in the Hill AFB O‘Club – he’s doing well as the chief of 388FW Safety. He passed on: Jim Corrigan is 34th Fighter Squadron commander there at Hill, John Steward is also in the 388th Wing (Plans), Dave (Beagle) Beatty is at the 18th Air Support Group Depot at Pope AFB and is soon to be married, Mark McConnell took the Air Force up on their “early out” offer and was last seen down in Tucson with the 162FW (ANG). John Ossiff is a lawyer in L.A. married to a lawyer and they’re about to have a baby.

I’m Getting Highly Neurotic About The Length Of This Article. So l’lI just remind you to write and tell the people youlove how you feel – it's always later than you think.


















The "Skipper" Mark Lenci flanked by Lt Col Dan McCorry & Jim Marburger


"Red October"









Back in the Saddle –
Bill Murray & Wife, Judy

Spring 1993          Jeff Hackett

Thanks For Nothing…Really! Once again (but for a very different reason) I'm hesitant to make any kind of comment about the amount of information you've supplied me with to write this article. You supplied me no letters, calls, or visits. A marriage made in (deadbeat's) heaven! 

Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration: I did get a letter from Denny Brooks, and a package from the Ed Sienkiewicz Class of '75 News Retrieval Service, and McDonnell-Douglas did send me to Virginia on business where I stole a few minutes to visit with Kent, Carol, and Meghan Traylor, and I did make another USAFR trip to Hill AFB where l did the Friday-night-at-the-O’Club-thing with Dave and Belle Wallace and John Steward. Buuuut, check it out folks – you've seen the news on these faithful folks for the last six or seven issues in a row!

Think Of It As A Milestone…Kind Of Like 500th Night! (Only we won‘thave to spend half the night in the bathroomand feel like crap the next day!) If just five of you (that's right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of you) who have never seen their names in these hallowed pages will write/call/visit with me before the next deadline (O/A 15 June '93) we will reach what seems to me to be a pretty pathetic plateau.That is – in the seven and one-half years of my "watch" as Scribe I will have gotten 378 different names (one-half of our graduating class) into print. Just what are the other 50 percent of you up to?

Make That Four (Names) To Go! Chasing down an omission from the last issue I just called K.C. Schwarz who also has never had his name in this column. He, Anne, and their girls have been in Louisville, CO for the past two years where K.C. is program manager for an information system consolidation effort at Ball Aerospace. Anne's teaching school. The omission: neither K.C. nor I provided information about how you may contribute to the publication of Tom Summer’s book, She Got Pregnant and I Got Leukemia. Donations should be forwarded directly to Tom’s widow, Tobbie. As a cancer survivor, this is something your Scribe can strongly relate to. Hope others will be similarly inclined. 


I Would Have Guessed He Was An English Major. You know the type who has a three-page report and a five-page bibliography! Actually, Ed Sienkiewicz was a comp sci major, and I'm guessing that he's secretly developed a program that scans all printed publications known to man, searching for names of our classmates. This time Ed points us to the December and January issues of Airman magazine where we find news of squadron commanders Rick Rosborg and Steve Farnham (Links, Right). Rick is commanding the 9th FS which is the USAF unit at Holloman AFB, NM that provides F-4 training to the Germans. Steve is just down the flightline at Holloman as commander of the 417th FS – they’re the training folks for the F-117. Our research assistant (Ed) also mentioned his (Christmas) holiday visit with Mark Fantasia who is at HQ/AMC, Scott AFB, lL (the base reference is included for those “pure” civilians who may not be keeping up with all of General McPeak’s stirring of the alphabet soup...which he does when he’s not setting the latest DOD fashion trend). Mark works in the C-17 Program Office. Mark, his son, and Ed drove down to Memphis for the Liberty Bowl – had a good time, but were obviously disappointed in the out-come. Mark mentioned to Ed who told me so l could pass it on to you that Chuck Demoisy is also at HQ/AMC. Chuck – if you're reading this, doesn’t it make you feel “dirty" to have your name passed around like that? Shouldn’t you write/call the Scribe yourself?

The More Obvious Common Denominator. Show these pictures to anyone other than a Zoomie and l’m guessing they’d say that these are five families with pretty wives and good-lookin’ kids. We of course would say, “Hey, l know those guys from  somewhere?! At any rate, here’s the gallery o' family portraits I promised you in the last article.

Talk About Your Basic Lack Of Input! Even the change-of-address-card gnome must have gone on vacation – I received a single COA card! This one card conveyed the intriguing news that Tom Popp? has moved from one European APO box to another European APO box. Yeah, I was thrilled too.

Make That Three “Lost Souls” To Go! Tums out the “Rosborg” name qualifies as a debut, so we’ve now seen 49.6 percent of our classmates' names in these pages. But, I’ll let that evil half of you worry about that...I'm off to the ASU-USAFA gymnastics meet tonight and a spring training baseball game on Sunday. l‘ve met another deadline and I believe I’ll reward myself by grabbing an lce cold beer. You “lost souls” should grab a pen instead – it's later than you think!


Dennis, Leslie, & Becky Brooks
in Colorado Springs


Brian, Sandee, Kelsee, Kaliegh, & Corey Gomes in Matthews, NC


Kent, Carol, & Meghan Traylor
in Yorktown, VA


Jon, Diane, Jill, & Rick Turner
in Colorado Springs


Wayne, Amy, David, Scott, Brian,
& Lisa Willis in Alamogordo, NM

Summer 1993          Jeff Hackett

And On The Seventh Day… Here l am on a Sunday morning trying to recall the prayer the chaplains used to invoke divine assistance in composing/delivering their messages to us, or in this case, you (the un-washed masses). l need help; l’m at Hill AFB in the middle of my USAFR annual tour and l believe the mountain air has the creative Muses gasping for breath – or maybe it’s a result of Friday night at the O'Club. ln any case, l’m conceding from the “get-go" that this particular column isn’t going to be cited by the Pulitzer folks. But it will meet the Checkpoints editior's standards for length, format and timeliness. (Recite after me, “if the ‘min' wasn’t good enough, it wouldn‘t be the min!")

Bring On The Next Challenge! When we last were in touch there were just three names to go in making the interesting, if not pitiful, milestone of getting half the ’75ers’ names in print. We made it... barely (see “min” rule, above) and l found it fascinating that the three names come to us in three different ways.

While telling stories/swapping lies with Dave and Belle Wallace earlier this week, Byron Huddleston’s name came up. Hard to believe he’s never taken time to call or write; we’re both from Dallas, we were at RF-4 RTU together, and for God’s sake he’s an airline pilot – it’s not like he shouldn’t have the time! (A dig intended to get those of you in that particular line of work to use some of that hotel stationery and idle time between takeoffs and landings to write). Can't give you much in the way of details on Byron; flies 767s back and forth across the Atlantic for Delta and lives in Louisville, KY.

Steve Gibson gets credit for directly answering our “half-the-class" challenge in the most succinct letter of my tenure:

Dear Jeff, Ok, l‘ll write. l graduated, flew fighters, got an MBA, got paid outrageous money in corporate America, then quit to become a writer. My first novel’s central character attempts to outperform his Academy classmates. The net result makes Walter F. Dumbsquat the model of cadet perfection. l’m sorry to be so wordy.

Steve T. Gibson

The only thing l could possibly add is that the return address included a “Mrs." and came from Modesto. CA.

Phil Pearce’s wife, Chris, gets kudos for not only bringing us the 378th name but also for one of the most creative and thoughtful birthday gifts of all time. Like many of us, Phil eased on by the big four-oh this year. A few weeks before the big day, Chris burned up the phone lines chasing down people she’d heard Phil mention when talking about the “golden days of yesteryear" and setting up a schedule for each of us to call Phil on the night of his birthday. Great idea! Besides having a charming wife, Phil is VP and general manager for MedCo Containment Company’s (Mail-order Rx) operation in Schenectady, NY. They've been there since ’91, have a son at Florida State University, a daughter and another son. Ever the scribe, l quizzed Phil about classmates he‘d kept tabs on. ln his (voices-from-the-past, understandably-flustered) state he could only come up with the fact that Perry Lamy is working B-2 test activities (at Edwards AFB?) and that Paul Williams is living in Goldsboro, NC (flying KC-10s at Seymour-Johnson AFB?).

High Technology Corner. Got only my second-ever input via PRODIGY E-Mail in late April. lt was from Mike Anderson who was gathering himself together for a PCS to Misawa AB, Japan where he’ll be the 14FS (F-16) chief of Maintenance. A (typically?) odd assignment for a guy who spent the majority of his life in the bomber world and who is finishing an assignment as an Air Force Fellow with the RAND think-tank folks. But after 18 years and no overseas tour, Mike thinks he was just due for a "good deal." Mike also reports seven years of happy marriage to Courtney and life with her two boys. As of this writing the Shuttle Mission STS-57 crew (including pilot, Brian Duffy) were still waiting to embark on their journey. Brian will be working for Ron Grabe, a '66 grad, as they retrieve a Eureca satellite and make the first SpaceHab (precursor of Space Station) flight. (See Extra Below)

Then There Are Those Who Kick Sand In The Face Of Forty! Like Phil, l feel kind of like l’ve gracefully moved into the fifth decade just happy that l no longer have to compete with the 30-39 hard bodies at ln-Line Skate races. Chuck and Donna Molzonon the other hand are out there giving birth to babies! Their third child, a boy, was born in March! (As a guy whose only daughter is about to start high school, l can not fathom this.) When not changing diapers Chuck is working on “B-2 stuff” (Donna’s words, not mine) at Langley AFB, VA. His other protest to age comes in his devotion to cycling although that is, to some extent, just “an excuse to wear tight, bright-colored outfits" (again, Donna's words... l didn’t know Chuck well enough at school to have an opinion). lt’s not much more than a change-of-address card, but Donna reports that Rod Kallmanand Bob Herring are also at ACC HQ and that J.P. Owens is on a second tour at Eielson AFB, AK (loves it!).

I Graduated In Spite Of Geography. l am therefore unable to explain a post card that Dave Wallace passed on to me. The card, from Dave Beatty, has a great view of Athens, Greece, talks (in the present tense) about being in a secret staging area waiting for a "GO" from that [deleted], [deleted], [deleted] CINC in Washington...but the card carries a Fayetteville, NC postmark. We’ll look forward to an explanation in Dave's next letter to the scribe.

Space Filler – It’s Your Choice! A fairly marginal amount of inputs leaves me with space to spare which I’ll vainly fill with a picture of Debby and me! Half of this should give you more than enough motivation to write – next time it just may be a portrait of me confirming for each of you that it's much later than you think.

Your scribe and his lovely wife

Fall 1993          Jeff Hackett

Shame Is A Powerful Force In Our Lives! That, or some once-a-millennium alignment of the planets hit y’all with a burst of cosmic energy that put you in a hypnotic state and forced you to take pen/keyboard in hand to write the Scribe! The mailbox spider packed his bags and left during a 10-day period at the first of September when six (that’s S-I-X!) letters arrived in a 10-day period! Add that to two PRODIGY E-mails, two in-person visits, and some news l gleaned from my company's newsletter and I’d say it’s time to turn the TV off, put the dog out and gather the family around – this should he an informative bit of reading.

Now that I’ve gotten you “up" I must reluctantly slap you down with the news of Tommy Hartwell’s death. Hugo Posey sent an eloquent letter to let us know that Tommy’s battle with Sclerodenna ended on August 17th. I expect the “Gone But Not Forgotten" page will chronicle Tommy’s exploits as a cadet, an officer, and later as a pilot for Southwest Airlines. What a superior person he was, and how he sadly leaves behind a wife (Jill) and two children (Nathan and Marissa). But it’s here, in the Class of 75's little piece of the magazine, where l thought we might conjure up all of our own personal memories of Tommy, make some reflections on our lives/families, and send along our collective thoughts and prayers to Jill and the kids. God's peace to all who share in this loss.

This Space Reserved For Clever Yet Respectful Transitional Comment…at times being the Scribe is a very difficult task!) Hugo’s letter came “dateline: The Pentagon” where he is a branch chief in SAF/IA (lnternational Affairs). His tracking down of fellow CS-40 grads found Gil Braun in F-16 requal at Luke AFB enroute to Misawa AB. In fact, Gil was about to go fly with Kevin Smith who's an instructor at Luke when he got Hugo’s call. Hugo also notes that Bill Lyerly is with AID as the State Department’s expert on communicable diseases and that, following Command and Staff School with the Marines, War College with the Army and bunch of F-I5 flying, John Saxman is 325MS commander at Tyndall AFB.

Forfeiture Of The Joys Attendant To Holy Matrimony.Richard "Dink" Yurko admitted that his first-ever letter to the Scribe was motivated not by a personal sense of shame but rather in response to Susan’s threat to “take the kids and leave" if he didn’t write me. They must have a really “joyful" marriage – it was a 12-page letter! Dink and Susan are both trial lawyers working in the civil defense arena. They have two children (Jenny and Eric) and live in Bridgeport, WV which he describes as a “suburb” (pop. 7,000) of Clarksburg (pop. 25,000) – a country boy's view of the world! I understand that Steve and Sheila Vreeland also deserve some credit for Dink’s letter. Apparently during a visit this summer, Susan and Sheila “abused and shamed” Dink and Steve into gathering info for a letter to the Scribe (why do I close my eyes and see two guys headed on to the patio with a 12-pack of beer saying, “You bet, ladies, we’ll be out quenching our thirst and discussing the accomplishments and notable recognition bestowed upon our classmates," and then, when the door closes, "or maybe we’ll just slam down this beer and swap some lies!”). In any case, Steve is at Andrews AFB flying the top brass around in the C-20. The Vreeland’s have two children (Danny and Kelly).

Other bits and pieces “from the porch": Dr. Bruce Linster (PhD in economics) is a tenured professor at USAFA. He and Debbie have two children. Kurt Bock was/is commander of the 89th AW at Andrews (rumored to have been hurried off to Air War College). Pat Ash and John Tamkun are also C-20 pilots at Andrews although John is on a four-month special assignment to Honduras. Dave Dyche was at Air War College “and is either coming from or on his way to Yokota AB." (I suspect the 12-pack was mostly history at this point!) Dave Miller is the commander of the C-130 squadron at Elmendorf AFB. Jim Rorabaugh, MD, is stationed at Keesler AFB but is acting as the chief surgical resident at Andrews AFB (?). “Jim 'left' the Air Force in 1983 for medical school under an Air Force program and is now committed to active duty through ‘96 or ’98.” (“Susan, do we have any more beer in the house?”).

Dink also talked with John Saxman (see above) at the time of Tommy Hartwell’s death. John advises that Dave Janetta is secretary of the Department of General Services for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and was mentioned as a possible appointee to the U.S. Senate to fill the vacancy left by Senator Heinz' death a couple of years ago. Ted Hilbun is ops officer in an RC-135 Squadron at Barksdale AFB. Rob Dorsey’s commanding a transportation squadron at Spangdahlem AB. Jeff Newmann flies for Delta and for the New Orleans Air Guard. Finally (those lawyers sure know how to talk on!), Dink lets us know that Chuck Hippler and his wife, Rose-Marie, are expecting their first child in November. Chuck is a 747 flight engineer for UPS and flies C-5s out of Dover for the Reserves. Check it out! – news on 15 classmates from one letter; there must be a wife out there who can get her husband to do even better than that! Our many thanks to the Yurkos!

Remember The Term We Used For A Previously Unused Jar Of Peanut Butter? Yup, previous to this column, Roy Rice was also pure and had maintained a chaste existence in regards to communicating with his Scribe. No more. The well-traveled LtCol. Rice is now the deputy director of the Office of Aerospace Studies at Kirtland AFB and as such "have a lot of smart people who do all the work and I get all the credit! (Didn't they teach us well at the Zoo?)" He and Deborah, who he describes as the “Okie from my first assignment” (Tinker AFB), have two daughters.

Dave Blessinger is with AFOTEC at Kirtland also and Roy says they run into each other often, which is pretty much a miracle in my book given Roy's TDY history! To SPACECOM in August - Roy had dinner with Jim and Mickey Burling. Roy admits that he and Jim barely squeaked by Jim’s two boys in a "bloodthirsty game of No Run Whiffle-Ball and notes for all of us that, "40-year-olds ought to know better than to try to compete with unbridled youth!” To Langley AFB a couple of weeks ago – Roy bumped into Rod Gunther and his family at a restaurant and learned that they had just arrived from Europe. Rod's going to be working in Requirements at Air Combat Command. On a previous trip to Norfolk – Roy ran into Bob Marr; was so flabbergasted at Bob’s appearance, “has not aged one day since 4 June 75” that he failed to mention what Bob is doing. To the Pentagon in July – Roy saw Bob Gambrell who was “about to finish his sentence there and be allowed to escape to points unknown." Roy also remembered seeing Chris Soto at the Pentagon about a year ago where he was working USAF/TE.

Occasionally, Roy goes home to read the mail and answer the phone, from which he gathered the following nuggets. Steve and Joey Brown are at Kadena AB where Steve is commander of the 12th Fighter Squadron. Bruce Fritzsche is with the Athletic Department at USAFA. Dan Burkett finished his Joint Staff assignment and is on his way to the F-16 SPO at Wright-Patterson AFB. Bob Akers is “liaising" (l think Roy invented that word) with the friendly folks on Capitol Hill. Mike Murdoch is now the commander of the 34th Combat Airlift Training Squadron at Little Rock AFB. Ralph Rhye, wife, and two children returned from Germany this summer and he is now the base civil engineer at Columbus AFB; “there is no one in the Air Force who can un-stop a toilet like Ralph... when he is not fishing!" (Only a former roommate would speak so fondly of a classmate.)

Another Case Of The 18-Year Itch. The third “I've never done this before!" letter comes from Mike Meraviglia who is an MD-80 captain with American Airlines and living in Austin, TX. His wife, Marty, teaches nursing at UT Austin and they have four children. I wonder if anyone in the class can match the accomplishment Mike noted next to his return address: “since 1978!" Mike let us know that Ben Phillips is also flying for American but out of Chicago. Mike (who lives over 1,100 miles from me) also advises that John Fritz is flying for America West and living in the Phoenix area (a very few miles from me). John and Karen had a baby boy in August. The last time Mike heard from Duane Lodrige (which is certainly more recently than the Scribe has!) he was a captain with U.S. Air living in Annapolis, MD.

Unfortunately It Didn’t Include A Pizza! A quick note, scrawled on a Randolph AFB MWRS Pizza and Deli note pad by Mark Volcheff, showed up yesterday. You'll recall that when we last heard from Mark (winter column) he was getting ready to go off to Air War College but, whoa, what does Randolph AFB have to do with AWC? Nothing! Mark's assignment got changed so that he is now the operations group commander at Altus AFB and, as such, he has to go down to HQ AETC now and then. He’s in charge of all flying training and maintenance for C-5/C-141 aircrew training and next year will get to move all of the KC-135 training in from Castle AFB and start setting up the C-17 schools also. Chip Diehl recently came through Altus to get requaled in the C-141 on his way to McGuire AFB where he’ll be the ops group commander.

Back To the Shame Thing. I sent a card to Dave Wallace at Air War College threatening to conspicuously join his wife for lunch at the Hill AFB O'Club during my next reserve trip if he didn’t write with some word of classmates at the “Big Boys" School. Worked like a champ – he sent his reply "Special Delivery!" He says that the ’75 crowd makes up over five percent of the AWC Class of '94 including Dave, Kurt Bock, John Charlton. Jim Corrigan, Gary Craig, Bill Dalson, Andy Dichter, Steve Duresky, Dave Ehrhart, Steve Farnham, Bob Lynn, Phil Martin, Clay McFarland, and Carl VanPelt. I'm sure Dave would be disappointed if I didn’t pass on his comment on the demanding AWC curriculum: “We are required to play golf on Wednesdays!" Just don't mention that to me next April 15th.

Even The Old Electronic Mailbox Spider Is Jumping! Got two more first-time writers over the PRODIGY E-mail system. Chuck Schmitz is a full-timer with the Ohio ANG, navigating KC-135s and doing time in Plans and Intel. He and Gloria live near Columbus and have two sons. In Chuck’s words, “What a spread, but it does provide an instant baby-sitter." His classmate update tells us that Chuck McLucas is flying for Northwest Airlines and that Mike Ruth is at NORAD.

Second dose of electrons came from Rod Kallman who wanted to correct the passed-down news from the last column suggesting that he is at ACC. He was at ACC, he’s now commander of the 422 Test and Evaluation Squadron at Nellis AFB, NV. He “only” gets to strap on F-16s but has the interesting job of leading a squadron that flies F-4Gs, A-10s, F-15s, F-15Es, and F-16s. He and Vicki have three children. Rod says the whole family is enjoying that “down-home family atmosphere of Las Vegas." Rod, go to 100 percent – your brain's starting to gray out! Also at Nellis: Doug Harrison who’s in Wing Scheduling and (as rumored in last Winter’s column) Bentley Rayburn who is commandant of the Weapons School.

Hey, I Know That Name! While perusing the McDonnell Douglas Aerospace-East monthly newsletter l noted an article commending 53rd Fighter Squadron (Bitburg AB) and their commander. LtCol Robert Turner on 80,000 accident-free flying hours. That milestone has been reached by only three other squadrons in the long history of the Eagle! Congratulations Bob!

I'm confident that all three of the F-15 squadrons at Langley AFB will be gaining similarly positive recognition in the near future. This prediction is based on information that Kent Traylor brought with him on a quick overnight stop at Luke in May. Proud to say that 67 percent of the squadron bosses jobs in the 1FW are held by our classmates: Mark Jefferson is commanding the 27FS, Mike Straight has the 94FS, Kent is Mike’s ops officer, and Jim Hartney has the Ops job in the 71FS.

A Chapter From My Soon-To-Be-Released Book “Risk With Wealth!” lf the Hackett family ever wanders up to the aforementioned Land of the Quick Buck you can rest assured that Debby will be placing all the bets. This conclusion is based on what could have been a wonderful evening we spent with Brian Gomes at the dog track here in Phoenix a couple of months ago. Brian and his (USAFR KC-10) copilot were in town preparing to do a fighter drag to Maple Flag for the folks out at Luke when we came up with this “great” entertainment idea. Through 10 races the boys scrutinized the race form for facts and figures, carefully checking notes and placing “Box Quinella" bets on only the most worthy animals while Debby, her mom and Tiffany made Place/Show bets on “the one with the cutest name" and/or “the one that weighted the least." You guessed it, we got shut out and the ladies paid for dinner! Looking at all of the ripped up losing tickets Brian and I couldn't help but realize that it was much, much later than we had thought.


Checkpoints Extra



Brian Duffy's second shuttle mission was STS-57, aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor from 21 June to 1 July 1993. The ten-day mission marked the first flight of the commercially developed SPACEHAB pressurized laboratory.

Brian Duffy: Flying for a second time in just over a year was a treat. I’d loved the whole space experience and couldn’t wait to get back. During the training for and execution of the flight, I learned a lot about rendezvous procedures from another Zoomie, my Commander Ron Grabe (’66) and about how to do a spacewalk….more complicated than you might think! Best Alive!




1. STS-57 Crew: Front, left to right: Brian Duffy, pilot and Ronald J. Grabe, commander. Back row (left to right: Peter J. Wisoff, Nancy J. Sherlock, and Janice E. Voss, all mission specialists; and G. David Low, payload commander. (NASA)

2. Liftoff of STS-57. (NASA)

3. David Low and Peter Wisoff in the payload bay of Endeavour. (NASA)





1. Duane Lodrige with Andrea Tessa V., Chilean Air Force, in Washington D.C. to fly the F-16. (Andrea Tessa V.)

2. Charlie & Nazli Wintermeyer at HQ 13AF Christmas party, Anderson AFB, Guam. (Charlie Wintermeyer)


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