Winter 1977          Willie Cosby III

Greetings! I hope the holidays went well for all. This time of year brought a whole slew of Class News. They are giving silver wings to any and everyone including yours truly. As I’m writing this, I’m on my way to Little Rock AFB to navigate a C-130. Lee Gross was the only other ’75 grad in my class and he’s staying at Mather for EWO training.

Since I received so many new assignments, I’ve decided to make it easy on myself and group them alphabetically. That doesn’t mean in alphabetical order, that means A’s, B’s, C’s, etc.

Here goes whatever: Arthur B. Allison–McChord (C-141), Rober M. Autry–Luke (F-15), Mike Anderson–Ellsworth (B-52), Jim Arter–USAFA (T-41), Pat Ash–Robins (KC-135), Bob Allen–Fairchild (KC-135).

Dave Barnthouse–Ellsworth (KC-135), Randy Barrett–Langley (T-33), Greg Black–Luke (F-15), Jamie Blissit–Craig (T-37), Larry Bottomley–Wright-Pat (C-135), Mike Buckley–Wurthsmith (KC-135), Walt Burns–Laughlin (T-38), Steve Blackburn–Charleston (C-141), Dan Burda–K. I. Sawyer (KC-135), Jack Barton–Tyndall (T-33), Butch Byrd–MacDill (F-4), Brian Bouffard–Craig (T-37), J. D. Barroclough–Luke (F-4), Dave Blessinger–Kinchloe (B-52), Rini Bosma–Vance (T-37), Don Byers–Mather (T-37), Thomas Brundige–Minot (T-33), Rick Benbow–Griffiss (T-33), Charlie Bergman–Seymour-Johnson, (KC-135), Floyd J. Batazzo–Blytheville (B-52).

John Caraway–Davis-Monthan (A-7), Daniel Chapman–Randolph (T-38), Craig Christen–Craig (T-37), Bruce Correll–McChord (C-130), Jim Corrigan–Laughlin (T-38), Jan Cooper–Sheppard (T-38), L. J. Colletti–McConnell (KC-135), John Czabaranek-McGuire (C-141), Stan Collins–Craig (T-37), Scott Carson–Vance (T-38), Bob Cass–Vance (T-38), Frank W. Christian–March (B-52), Mathew J. Chappell–George (F-4), Chris Commeford–Minot (B-52).

Joseph E. Dowdy–Reese (T-38), Frank Dubuisson–Offutt (RC-135), Steve Duresky–Williams (T-38), Dave Dyche–McChord (C-130), A. E. Dahlstrom–MacDill (F-4), Bill V. Davis–Norton (C-130), John Daly–Altus (KC-135), Chuck Dohner–McGuire (C-141), Duke Duhachek–Sheppard (T-38).

John Farnum–Reese (T-37), John Fritz–Peterson (T-41), Mark Fantasia–Little Rock (C-130), Bruce Fritzche–Webb (T-37), Dick Finke–MacDill (F-4), Chris Fillar–Vance (T-38), Georg Franklin–Norton (C-141), Kip Fong–from Willie to Luke in computers.

John Gaughan–Barksdale (KC-135), Rodney Gunther–George (F-4), Roy Goodale–Yokota (C-130).

Scott Hammond–Williams (T-38), Charles Heald–Nellis (F-111), Dave Hensley–Anderson (WC-130), Dave Herlong–Davis-Monthan (A-7), Ken Hodge–Carswell (B-52), Byron Huddleston–Alconbury (RF-4), Jeff Hackett–Kadena (RF-4), Mark Hallada–Kirtland (C-135), Chuck Holland–Ellsworth (B-52), Ken Hossler–Luke (F-15), Dudley Hancock–Scott (C-9), Kevin Hildebrand–Luke (F-15), Mark D. Holmes–Fairchild (KC-135), Eric Hoganson–Seymour-Johnson (B-52), P. J. Hathaway–Norton (C-141), Julius Hargrove–Williams (T-38), Mark Isabelle–McChord (C-141).

Dave Janetta–Little Rock (C-130), John Jenson–Malmstrom (Missiles), Dave Johnson–McGuire (C-141), Stan Jones–Sheppard (T-38), Mark Jefferson–George (F-4), Randy James–MacDill (F-4), Tom Kryst–Clark (C-130), Corrie Kundert–Kinchloe (B-52).

Greg Landolt–Nellis (F-111), Kevin Lanzit–Luke (F-4), Steve Lerum–McChord (C-141), Brad Lindsey–McGuire (C-141), Dave LaFave–Mather (B-52), Michael Little–Luke (F-4).

Terry Markovich–MacDill (F-4), George Martin–Malmstrom (T-33), Joe May–Sheppard (T-33), Branford McAllister–Luke (F-15), Dave McDaniel–MacDill (F-4), Marlo D. Mellum–Williams (T-38), John Meraviglia–Zwiebruken (RF-4), Jame Michelini–Reese (T-37), Patrick Moran–Reese (T-38), Tim Murphy–Williams (T-37), Mark McConnell–Davis-Monthan (A-7), J. P. Marksteiner–Wright-Patterson (C-130), Tug McGraw–MacDill (F-4), Pete Marcuzzo–Travis (C-141), Dave Myers–Beale (KC-135), Craig Matt–Davis-Monthan (Maintenance), Dave McCarthy–Vance (T-38), Bob Marr–Williams (T-38), Mike McClendon–Davis-Monthan (A-7), John MacDonnell–Carswell (B-52), Ed McCollum–Key West (Naval Intelligence).

Mike Narkiewicz–Reese (T-38), Doug Nelson–Fairchild (B-52), Jon Noetzel–Langley (T-33), Don Novak–McConnell (KC-135), Chuck Nystrom–Nellis (F-111), Steve Nichols–Ellsworth (EC-135), Clayton Nobles–Robins (B-52),.

Joe O’Brien–Charleston (C-141), John Oleksey–MacDill (F-4), Bob Orwig–Craig (UPT), Rick Oleksak–Williams to Mather (Nav School).

Charles Parsons–MacDill (F-4), Ralph Paul–MacDill (F-4), Kerry Putt–MacDill (F-4), Phil Piontek–Mather (EWO), Al Piotter–Mather (NBT), Ted Parker–Vance (T-38).

Raider Ramstad–Offutt (RC-135), Walter Rhoads–Luke (F-4), Mike Rosebush–Luke (F-4), John Routh–Dyess (KC-135), Byron Russell–Minot (KC-135), Mark Rogers–George (F-4), Bentley Rayburn–George (F-4), Randy Roberts–Carswell (KC-135), Mark Risi–McChord (C-141), Larry Richter–Travis (KC-135), Larry Ridge–MacDill (F-4), James Ruttler–MacDill (F-4), Sam Ryals–Kadena (KC-135), Chuck Riordan–Scott (C-9), Eric Rosborg–Sheppard (T-37).

Leslie Sanders–Sheppard (T-37), Charles Schmeling–Craig (T-37), Charles Schmitz–Zwiebruken (RF-4), Charlie Simmons–Sheppard (T-38), Tom Skillman–Robins (B-52), Scott Skinner–Minot (KC-135), Scott Spring–Norton (C-141), Greg Schmitt–George (F-4), Bill Stewart–McChord (C-141), Mark Stickney–Laughlin (T-38), Dave Shields–Barksdale (KC-135), Kid Smith–MacDill (F-4), Dale Smith–Pease (KC-135), Bill Schuessler–Little Rock (C-130), James Scully–Davis-Monthan (A-7), Jim Spencer–Shaw (RF-4), Dave Schmitz–MacDill (F-4), Dean Spraggins–Ellsworth (B-52), Billy Stephan–Laughlin (T-37).

John Tamkun–Charleston (C-141), Sandy Terry–K. I. Sawyer (B-52), Blair J. Thisted–Loring (B-52), Rick Townsend–Tyndall (T-33), Tony Toich–Davis-Monthan (DC-130), Fred Tasker–Sheppard (T-38), Gary Thaller–Griffiss (KC-135).

Carl VanPelt–Homestead (F-4), Steve Vargo–Laughlin (T-37), Steve Vreeland–Little Rock (C-130), Jed Vanden Dries–Sheppard (T-38), John Venable–Griffis (B-52).

Steve Wedell–Shepard (T-37), Jay Wallace–George (F-4), J. T. Wolter–Scott (C-9), Chuck Woods–McChord (C-141), Mike Weininger–MacDill (F-4), Fred Weems–Craig (T-37), Mark Wells–Fairchild (KC-135), Dave Williamson–Tyndall (T-33), Todd Zejdlik–Homestead (F-4).

For those of you who didn’t see your names, either I’ve mentioned you before or the 1976 Register of Graduates has you listed at your current base or I haven’t heard about you. If you feel left out, let me know.

The last thing I want to talk about is all of you wives. Taryn Graves, wife of Jeff Graves has been giving me a hard time for not mentioning her. I’ll tell you what I’m going to do: if any of you ladies want your name mentioned, drop me a line. Be sure to tell me who your husband is. It’s hard for me to remember those sort of things being the single-minded person that I am.

Thanks to everyone who has sent in Classnews especially the wives and parents who know how “busy” you guys are. If you have any pictures, those can be used also. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

































Spring 1977          Willie Cosby III

Okay ladies, it’s your turn. In alphabetical order here are the wives who were mentioned in recent correspondence. Anne Abbott, Robin Bannister, Peggy Berlan, Barbara Bryant, Chrissie Butalla, Jill Charlton, Kathy Collier, Kim Corrigan, Val Crist, Kathy Deren, Paula Douglas, Marylyn Fellows, Belle Foreman, Patricia Garland, Sandra Goodale, Judy Gridley, Connie Gunther, Rachel Haas, Martha Jaeger, Cindy Kurey, Su Langford, Jenny Leuschen, Sharon Modrich, Nan Powell, Dana Prater, Sue Sarver, Joy Scott, Sherrie Simmons, Jane Simonitsch, Diane Turner, Donna Wells, Janet Weininger, Kathy White, and Meg Wolter. One soon-to-be addition to this list is Ann Reese. The ladies know who their husbands are. For the rest of you, if you can’t figure it out, let me know.

My congratulations to the Derens, the Charltons, the Simmons’, the Langfords, the Corrigans, the Bannisters, the Lanzits, and the Lotakis’, who have all contributed to the Air Force population. I hope you are enjoying the company of your little ankle-biters.

I don’t know what it is about Shaw AFB, but I keep getting letters from people out there. Jim Foreman and Mike Dehart–Communications, John Sutton and Tim Calhoun–RF-4.

The 19th Squadron “Playboys” wanted all to know where they are: Mike Abbott–Malmstrom (Weapons Controller), Scott Baxter–Ft Bragg (Infantry), Gene Copeland–McChord (Civil Engineering), Scott Arnott–MacDill (Weapons Controller), Oleh Stefaniuk–Homestead (Weapons Controller), Buck Rogers–George (F-4), Mike Weininger–MacDill (F-4), Dave Livingston–Luke (F-15), Mike Leuschen–Wright-Patterson (C-135), Al Green–George (F-4), Jim Corrigan–Craig (T-38), Rick Sarver–Ellsworth (EC-135), Carl Van Pelt–Homestead (F-4), Dave Anhalt–Kirtland (Avionics), Steve Martin–Kinchloe (B-52), Don McDonough–Barksdale (KC-135), Steve Haas–Nellis (Tac Fighter Weapon Controller Range Group), and John Scherer–Reese (T-37).

Here goes one more time with the long alphabetical list of assignment changes: Barry Abbott–Eglin (Combat Talon), Buzzy Bannister–Homestead (F-4), Ron Bean–McChord (C-141), Mark Beesley–Luke (F-15), Larry Bishop–Shaw (RF-4), Paul Butalla–George (F-4), Marvin Cox–Mather (NBT), Michael Cox–Luke, Dino Crenshaw–Griffis (B-52), Paul Desisto–Davis-Monthan (DC-130), Larry Dowling–Minot (T-33), Richard Duesing–McChord (C-141), Brian Duffy–Luke (F-15), Bruce Fritzche–Webb, Frank Garland–Plattsburgh (Maintenance), Tom Gillette–F. E. Warren, Jeff Graves–Dyess (C-130), James Heald–Homestead (F-4), Bruce Jaeger–Lackland, Ed Kasl–Williams (T-38), Dave Keene–Palgongsan AS, Korea (Weapons Controller), Al Krukowski–Loring (B-52), Perry Lamy–Barksdale (B-52), Mark Lenci–Navy’s USS Los Angeles: home port Norfolk, Pete Losi–Mather (EWT), Jim Mahoney–Luke (F-15), Jim P. Marshall–Mather (EWT), Randy Mason–George (F-4), George McClain–Luke (F-4), Robert Miglin–Plattsburgh (FB-111), Mark Nelson–K. I. Sawyer (KC-135), Waynard Nelson–Little Rock (C-130), Fred Nickel–McGuire (C-141), Mark O’Green–Luke (F-4), William O’Keefe–Reese (UPT), John Owens–Columbus (T-37), Tom Popp–Laughlin (T-37), Raymond Powell–Carswell (B-52), Jeff Prater–Bergstrom (Weapons Controller), Mike Reese–Williams (UPT), Pat Rupel–Sheppard (T-37), Mike Ruth–Davis-Monthan (A-7), Jimmy Scruggs–Barksdale (B-52), Brad Shields–Mather (KC-135), Jim Simonitsch–Little Rock (C-130), Chris Soto–Mather (EWT), Fred Stumpp–Mountain Home (F-111), Bill Swiderek–Peterson Field (Computers), Bill Taylor–Pope (C-130), Jon Turner–Williams (T-38), Dale Waters–Nellis (F-111), Steve Weilbrenner–USAFA (T-41), J. T. Wolter–Clark (C-9)

Graduates of Laughlin Class 77-02: Bill Kurey–Luke (F-15), John Charlton–Luke (F-4), Jim Gridley and Greg Geiser–USAFA (T-41), Dave White–Laughlin (T-38), Greg Collier–Seymour Johnson (KC-135), Gary Oreshoski–Ellsworth (B-52), Bud Crist–McChord (C-141), Steve Eickelman–Little Rock (C-130), Joe Bryant–Pope (C-130).

Graduates of Class 76-10 from Vance: Ralph Paul–MacDill (F-4), Craig Naas and John Sims–Vance (T-38).

Others: Mark Wells and Craig Scott–Fairchild (KC-135), Rod Gunther–George (F-4), Mark Beesley–Luke (F-15), and Lee Cross (not Gross!)–Mather (EWT).

Terry Kemp was a member of the Outstanding Crew of the Month at Malmstrom in January. He is a deputy missile combat crew commander.

Before I close out this article, I’d like to thank all of those who have kept me informed. It makes my job much easier.

A last note goes out to Mark Beesley and all of you fighter jocks: If “flying fighters is better than sex” then I’m glad I fly C-130s.






















Summer 1977          Willie Cosby III

Congratulations to all you new silver bars. I’ll bet you can feel the burden of all that responsibility. I can!

Anyway, not too much new is happening at the Rock. Danny and Gracie Speer had a promotion party with the guys from my squadron, 61 TAS (MAC), contributing. The other ’75 grads in the 61st are: Dick Yurko, Chuck Demoisy, Eric Buhyoff, Steve Vreeland, Scott Smith, and Wayne Nelson.

A new member of the Little Rock crew is Jeff Chappell. He and his family, Theresa and Matty, have been here for about two months. Larry Fariss is here for upgrade to C-130s, but I don’t know where he’s going.

Other assignments: Jerry Levesque, Don Snelgrove, Dan McCorry, and Bill O’Keefe, F-4s (Levesque to MacDill, the remainder to George). Tom Calhoun, RF-4 to Kadena; Sam Hollins, F-4 to Osan; Duane Jones, OIC Aircrew Training Devices at Altus; Mike Mark, F-15 to Luke; Don Lewis, T-33 to K. I. Sawyer; Brad Logan, F-4 to George; and Marv Cox, F-4 to MacDill.

Duke Duhachek took the big step and married Nanci Bernhart on April 30th.

I’m taking off to Europe for the summer to get away from the hot, muggy Arkansas weather. The Air Force has afforded me this golden opportunity. In the meantime, if you hear any spectacular news, drop me a line or just drop me a line for the heck of it. 

Have a coooool summer!!


1Lt Promotion Orders



Fall 1977          Willie Cosby III

First, I’d like to add my condolences as well as those of the entire class to the wife, Sybil, and family of Walter Ray Johnson who was killed in an F-4 accident at Luke AFB.

’75 class members have finally started making names for themselves in this person’s Air Force. I have not heard about the infamous triumphs, but several of the more note worthy ones have been reported.

Jim Dill and Bob Ryan as members of the Air Force/Industry team that developed and produced the B-1 bomber will receive the 1976 Robert J. Collier Trophy. The trophy is awarded annually for the greatest achievement in aeronautics or astronautics in the U. S.

Dale Meyerrose has been selected Outstanding Junior Officer of the Quarter for the AF Comm Service. Stationed at Ramstein AB Germany, he serves as aide to BG Randerson, Commander of the European Comm Area.

Tom Provost and “Dink” Yurko now wear the Outstanding Unit Award as members of their respective units. Tom works with the 449th Bomb Wing at Kinchloe and “Dink” serves with the 314th Tactical Airlift Wing at Little Rock.

A long dreamed of goal has been attained by Bill Hughes. He has been selected to attend law school under the Air Force funded Legal Education Program. He will go to Marquette Law School.

UPT graduates: From Reese: Steve Else, KC-135 to Rickenbacker; Jerry Levesque, F-4 to MacDill; Dan McCorry, Bill O’Keefe, Don Snelgrove, F-4 to George; and John Stults, C-130 to Clark. From Williams: Jim McBride, C-141 to McGuire; and Mike Reese, B-52 to Fairchild. From Vance: Bill K. Davis, T-37 to Mather. From Craig: Phil Meteer, F-4 to Luke.

Don Henney graduated from nav school and will go to KC-135s at Fairchild.

To Bill Rohde – well, excuse me! To be perfectly correct, Bill, Barry Abbott and Dave Stone are flying the Combat Talon MC-130E. Bill is in the 1st Special Operations Squadron at Kadena. Also at Kadena are Dave Haugen in HC-130s, Rick Douglas and Jeff Hackett in F-4s, and Sam Ryals in KC-135s.

Happenings at Luke: Mike and Gwenda Rosebush are going to Nellis along with Pete and Katie Strunk, Tom and Cheryl McClain, Tom McKee, and Gary Craig. Kevin, Jan, and Shannon Lanzit are going to Torrejon, Spain as are Bentley and Debbi Rayburn. All of the above see action from the F-4. Bran and Carolyn McAllister, and Chris and Debbie Goetsch go to Bitburg, Germany in F-15s. Going to Langley in F-15s are Brian and Jan Duffy and Steve Brown.

Eric (Alice) Lewallen is flying Rescue choppers at Elmendorf. Don Byers flies T-37s at Mather which is where E. Zerambo flies T-43s. Phil Piontek and Rick Dahlstrom are at MacDill in F-4s. Dick Parks is at Myrtle Beach flying A-7s waiting for the A-10s to show up. Al Green and Steve Gibson fly F-4s at Nellis.

Not too much new is going on out here in Little Rock. This summer I saw quite a few guys over in Europe. One warm summer morning I ran into a Navy J. G. who looked extremely familiar. It turned out to be Lt. J. G. Jerry Manthei. The place happened to be Rota NAS, Spain where he is stationed flying A-3s.

It’s a little early, but happy holidays. Remember – no news means no news.


The Collier Trophy



Tim & Janis Murphy










1. Gary Turnipseed, USAFA '76Probably the most interesting path crossing [with your class] was with Ben (Rini) Bosma. He had just graduated from UPT and I was just getting ready to start and we were both "selected" to stand for a statue that commemorated the Bicentennial, so we are both immortalized in bronze at Vance. (Newspaper clip courtesy of Gary). 

2. Ben Bosma: Front, L-R: 2Lt Gary "Seed" Turnipseed, 2Lt Ben Bosma. Rear L-R: Major Leonard, Tasso Pitsiri. Major Leonard was the project officer for the statue project and Tasso was the sculptor. I remember posing for hours as a modern day pilot. I graduated from pilot training in 1976 and went from Vance AFB to Randolph AFB Texas where Ginny and I ran our credit cards up eating and drinking San Antonio dry. (Ben Bosma)

3. The Bicentennial Statue in 2015. (71 FTW/PA)

4. Ben Bosma: This picture was a publicity shot for the USAF when they were getting ready to admit women into pilot training. It was taken at Pilot Instructor Training in San Antonio our first assignment. That's Ginny posing as the student. The problem is she found out that week that she was pregnant! (Ben Bosma)




5. Frank & Patti Garland (Larry Bryant)  

6. Gary Held & Bill Estelle at the base of Yosemite Falls, while in attendance at CCTS, Castle AFB, California. (Bill Estelle)

7. Steve Wedell during his stint as an IP at Shepherd AFB. (Steve Wedell)

8. Charlie Wintermeyer: My Dad and brother Steve came out to my missile silo on Christmas Day 1977 when they were visiting me at McConnell AFB. (Charlie Wintermeyer)




9. Bill & Kathleen Spencer.

10. John & Kate Brooks.

11. Steve & Jackie Morris.

12. On 29 April 1977, KC-135A 58-0101, assigned to the 93rd BW Castle AFB CA, was lost during pattern work at Beale AFB CA when a herd of cattle wandered onto a darkened runway at approximately 0130hrs. 58-0101 struck the herd, shearing off the nose and left main landing gear. The crew was able to crash/stop and egress the aircraft successfully. Rick Sarver (Left) was a student copilot on the mission. (James Michael, August 2024)


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