Jerry Levesque left 08 and went off to the new dorm during the summer of 1974. Turns out that he may have been the lucky one! Ironically, that was just the beginning of the reshuffle for Evil 8. As a result of events near the end of our stay there, the entire squadron was reshuffled (i.e. dissolved) after we graduated leaving nobody returning through the summer of 1975. And the squadron name was also thrown onto the trash heap resulting in the new PC name of Eagle 8 instead of Evil 8. Obviously, we had a rather interesting last year at the Zoo. Unfortunately, I was rather involved in all the nasty events. Finally wrapped it all up one long evening 8 years later when I ran into our former AOC while TDY at Ramstein. When our eyes locked together as I walked past his table in the O-Club, I thought that he was about to jump up and slug me. Instead, he jumped up, threw money on the table and excused himself from his guests, and brought me to the bar to apologize to me over many beers. So it apparently took me about 12 years to finally graduate from the place! I’m sure many others have similar stories.