28th Squadron          Activated 1967







1968          "Blackbirds"

Description: The patch has an irregular gold pentagon on a yellow-edged blue circle. A stylized SR-71, with a white "28" on it, is centered on the pentagon. Two black lines emanate from the nose of the aircraft and extend to the edges of the pentagon. 

Significance: The pentagon represents the future Air Force leadership being developed at the Air Force Academy. The stylized SR-71 signifies the search for knowledge and the dedication to the pursuit of national goals. From this aircraft the 28th Squadron once derived its nickname, "Blackbirds." The color gold symbolizes the excellence demanded of Air Force officers. 

History: This is the squadron's original patch. A variation may exist with a white scroll at the bottom of the patch.

Nickname: "Blackbirds"

  1968 –


Request for Approval

In 1968 the 28th was awarded the Gillen-Slezak Intercollegiate Athletic Award. In 1973 the squadron was awarded the ATC’s Academic Achievement Award as well as being chosen to represent the Cadet Wing in the Inaugural Parade. The 28th is sponsored by the 12th Fighter Training Wing at Randolph AFB, Texas.  – C3C Bob Tribolte, Class of 1976, Falconews, 29 March 1974

The colors of yellow and blue highlight the patch of Twenty-eighth Squadron. The irregular pentagon represents future Air Force Leadership concentrated at the Academy, and the stylized aircraft, poised for action, symbolizes the United States Air Force’s primary instrument of peace and war. Twenty-eighth Squadron, too, is poised for action anytime, anyplace, and anywhere.  – 1975 Polaris