26th Squadron          Activated 1967







1968          "Barons"

Description: Snoopy (The Red Baron) sits on top of his dog house on a green hill. His gold scarf and helmet contrast with the red numerals which show from behind the doghouse, and in front of the fluffy white cloud upon a blue sky. The word “BARONS” is in red on a white arc bordered in blue. The sky is encircled in white.

Significance: One’s first impression upon seeing the path of the 26th Squadron is that it is something less than serious. A picture of Snoopy tends to connote something of a comical nature. However, a closer look at the picture of Snoopy on his doghouse in his perennial search for the Red Baron brings a deeper and more important meaning than one of humor.

We are all familiar with Snoopy, the famous “World War I Flying Ace,” and his battles with the Red Baron. Snoopy’s defeats have become more or less inevitable in the eyes of most people. However, despite his many defeats, he has always managed to return to the fray undaunted. In so doing, strange as it may seem, this “comical” creation of Charles Schulz has set an enviable example. Despite a person’s defeats or losses, he can and must continue to fight on to his goal, and eventual victory.

Alternate Significance: Charles Schulz’s familiar comic strip character Snoopy was chosen because of his doggedness in getting the job done. Despite constant setbacks in his pursuit of the Red Baron, Snoopy continually comes back for more, setting a fine example for the cadets of Twenty-Six. The patch also represents the Air Force’s air power heritage and contains the four class colors.

History: This is the squadron’s original patch.

Nickname: "Barons"

  1968 –



One’s first impression upon seeing the patch of the Barons is that it is something less than serious. However, this comical creation has set an enviable example. The lesson to learn is despite a person’s wins or losses, he can and must continue to fight on to achieve his goal. Sponsored by the 1550th Aircrew Training and Test Wing, Hill AFB, Utah, the Barons house many All-Americas including the butterfly record-holder, Stephen Fenton, Class of 1973.  – C3C Fred Philpot, Class of 1976, Falconews, 29 March 1974

With the expansion of the Cadet Wing in 1965, Snoopy roared down through the clouds looking for the Red Baron. Snoopy flew into a fire-up cadet squadron of Barons to be immortally captured in the hearts, minds, and spirits of his captors. Symboling the “Never Say Die” spirit of each cadet who joins the Barons, Snoopy stands alert with the dynamic “26” ready to dominate the vastness of the sky.  – 1975 Polaris