17th Squadron          Activated 1960







1962          "Stalag Seventeen"

Description: This emblem is diamond-shaped in royal blue bordered in red. A mailed silver fist holds a silver torch burning a golden flame with a red center. An emerald gree wreath partially circles the fist. A golden ribbon bordered in black covers the lower point of the diamond. Upon it in black are the letters “17TH SQDN.”

Significance: The mailed fist symbolizes the strength of purpose and character found within the unit. The wreath symbolizes the victory toward which to strive, the ideal of peace, the ultimate goal. The torch signifies knowledge and the opportunity to ler and thus better carry out duties and responsibilities. The colors of the four classes are interwoven in the emblem to represent the solidarity of the Cadet Wing.

History: This is the squadron’s original patch.

Nickname: "Stalag Seventeen"

  1965 –

Request for Approval

History c.1962

History c.1971


A mailed silver fist holding a silver torch symbolizes the strength of purpose, character, and the knowledge and opportunity to learn. The squadron was formed in 1961 from the 12th Squadron.  – C3C John Bowen, Class of 1976, Falconews, 29 March 1974

A mailed silver fist holds a silver torch with a flame of gold and red, symbolizing strength of purpose and character as well as knowledge and the opportunity to learn. An emerald green wreath encircles the fist and represents the victory toward which we strive, our ultimate goal, the ideal of peace. The colors of the four classes at the Air Force Academy, gold, blue, silver, and red, are interwoven in the emblem to represent the solidarity of the Cadet Wing.  – 1975 Polaris