USAFA Alternate Site



What If Colorado Springs' first (alternate) site for the USAF Academy was selected? Where would it be? A few sites were considered, here’s the story of one of them.

Well, it would be enveloped within what we know today as the Briargate area.

The Pine Valley Airfield would have been a “notch” also selected as a “fix it up and have an airfield” to support cadet flight training.

The Air Force questioned Colorado Springs first idea of where to build USAFA and asked about the “other side of the highway, by the mountains.” There was thought that was unsafe for flying. But Charles Lindberg was called upon to fly around that area and, provide a recommendation. He said it was safe and good for flying.

"Briagate" Location
(Jack Anthony)

Alternate Site Map
(USAFA Special Collections)

USAFA Site (USAFA Special Collections)

Pine Valley Airpark c.1948
(USAFA Special Collections)


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