June 2013          Jeff Chappell

Spring has sprung, the grass is riz, and here the quarterly update is:

GBNF: Sam Hollins flew off into the wild blue on 3 March 2013, notice courtesy of Gary Whitfield. See full obituary in this issue. Godspeed to one of the best, Sam!

Movin’ on up:  From Larry Fariss, on his election to the AOG Board: “It has been an honor to serve as our class senator for the past 7 years, and I am very excited about Bruce Mitchell serving out my current 5 year term, until 2015, when our class will elect its next senator during our class reunion.” Bruce noted that Leon Smith-Harrison had also served on the Board many moons ago, making three 75 classmates who have served in that capacity. Thanks for continuing to serve!

It’s a Small World, courtesy of Tim Murphy: “I learned how to connect with old classmates late last summer from Scott Smith. Driving along I-70 in eastern Ohio minding my own business and a shiny red Corvette flashed by with tags that read...well the picture tells the story better. I'm probably the only guy on the interstate between Ohio and Virginia who understood, but I did, so we used some old UPT hand signals and held a no-notice class reunion right there off I-70. Fun. (Pay no attention to the ad for my other Alma Mater).”

Off we go: Eagle-eyed Harry Mathis noted the retirement of Jim Heriot as Chief of Medical Staff at Eglin on 1 May. Harry serves as Command Chaplain for AFMC and has tentatively scheduled his retirement ceremony for Friday, 28 Mar 14 at the Hope Hotel at the main gate of Wright-Pat. (Mark the date–I see potential for another mini-reunion!)

Fame (and fortune?): Mark Wells accepted a one-semester Visiting Professorship with the US Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, PA, starting in July. “They’ve asked me to lead a seminar of hard-charging Army colonels along with a couple of reps from other services and DoD. Among other topics, I’ll be teaching strategy, policy, and military history. This TDY will count as the last sabbatical I’ll need to take before mandatory retirement in 2017. I’ll return to USAFA around Christmas time and resume my current position as Permanent Professor and Head of the Department of History. As it turns out, I graduated from Carlisle and the USAWC twenty years ago, so it will be like a homecoming. Donna and I are particularly excited to spend time in Pennsylvania: Our daughter Emily lives and works in Philadelphia. She recently got engaged and looks forward to a Colorado wedding in the summer of 2014.” Multiple congratulations, Mark!

More fame: Doug Nelson was awarded the Silver Beaver by the Inland Northwest Council (Spokane area) of the Boy Scouts of America as the top volunteer in the (appropriately) Thunderbird District. The Silver Beaver is the highest award given to a volunteer Scouter and follows years of consistent superior service. Way to go, Doug!

DC Dark Ages Party summary from project officer John Charlton: Thanks to all making this a big success. We had 35 classmates show up, most with their spouses, totaling 60 folks: Dahlson, May, McCorry, Arnott, Charlton, Quattrocki, Beesley, Awtrey, Waters, Saenger, Hargrove, Burns, Bready, Hartney, Smith, Dichter, Murphy, Akers, Mefford, Sullivan, Snelgrove, Soto, Davis, Carlson, Lylerly, Foster, Drow, Anderson, Anhalt, Pyatt, Van Pelt, Byers, Powers, Henney, Manthei. Special thanks to Andy Dichter for working with the Army-Navy Country Club (ANCC) folks. I thought the venue was elegant and the food was good as well. Andy hasn’t closed the books yet, but he is confident that he has enough extra money to cover all expenses, and he will hold any excess funding on account for next year’s gathering. Thanks to those of you who went a bit above and beyond the cost of dinner and contributed a few extra bucks, we had enough to submit a reservation deposit for next year.

Golddiggers? Wayne Willis’ daughter-in-law is cheerleader coach at Weber State, which explains the next picture during a recent AF-WSU basketball game. What a charmed life!

Remembering the Alamo: Jim (P.) MarshalI continues holding the fort in San Antonio and represented the class at the Alamo Chapter’s Founder’s Day Dinner on 13 Apr. “I have attended for the past several years and it is always good times, good food, great speaker and great company. We have people from the Class of 59 to current cadets.”

Paul Kent sent this amusing anecdote: Several years back the old CS-20 Trolls started an email exchange highlighting all our idiosyncrasies and generally just poking fun at ourselves. In the process, it was noted that Dave White (who was transferred out of CS-20 during our controversial firstie-year shuffle) and Steve Keen were not in the Firstie group photo, so I Photoshopped them in. Then the Photoshopping took a life of it's own for reasons beyond the scope of this short story. But for some reason Shakira was included in our senior photo. The other night my wife was watching some show Shakira was moderating (The Voice). I mentioned to her that Shakira was in my USAFA Squadron and we had a picture of all of us together. The wife remarked she would like to see that photo, so I showed the attached to her. Of course, as Dave White mentioned after we re-started this exchange, "At the risk of incurring the wrath of the other Elderly Trolls: Was Shakira even born then?"  Of course not–she was born in 1977. Dudley Hancock had to add "Always wondered why Pete (Tom Peterson) and Charlie (Charles Buck) got Shakira, meanwhile, Thomas (Tom Finn) and I got Dave White!" The ‘stache looks good, too, Pablo!

Comment by Dean Spraggins (Via Zoomienation): From the twilight world of the semi-computer-literate: Shakira, Dave White, and Steve Keen were not the only items photo-shopped into our CS-20 Firstie portrait. I'd like to go on record here: I've never owned any AK, AKM, or civilian semi-only Kalashikov variant. And after ten years in gun parts sales and repair, after 15 years of OT&E while in uniform, I advise classmates to avoid owning one. And the JD bottle would be of only marginal interest today, as I drink less with each passing year (26 June 2013).

YHS went to a Cactus League game at Salt River with Scribe Emeritus Jeff Hackett–gorgeous night in the desert with great company, catching up on stuff. I can't imagine being Scribe for 20 years, most of that BC (before computers)! 

Until next issue, keep in touch and keep the shiny side up!


Scott Smith & Tim Murphy


Wayne Willis & Cheerleaders


CS20 with Shakira


Jeff Chappell & Jeff Hackett at Salt River



DC DAP: Jim Carlson & Andy Richter

DC DAP: Tribute to Sam Hollins

Seated: Jan Murphy, Mike & Rene Anderson,
& Julius Hargrove. Standing, Back to Camera: 
Mark Beesley & Bill Lyerly

Checkpoints Extras

Throwback Thursday     Class of 1975 Graduation

Ben Bosma   Throwback Thursday.

Chappie Hargrove   Reginald Hargrove II, this will be you Wednesday…minus the final five seconds. 

Sanford Terry   Wow, were we ever that young! Brings back a whole flood of emotions!

Bill Murray   Hard to believe….lots of years ago now….gained a lot of super Brothers that day!

Bill Carrothers   75 Best Alive! That was a great day and one I'll always remember.

Fred Weems   Only 38 years ago. My, how time flies when you're having fun!

Perry Lamy   …and what were the SECDEF’s remarks about?

Mark Holmes   Talk about a look back in time! Awesome memories with all our brothers!

Fred Weems   Free at last, free at last…

Bill Murray   I believe the SECDEF talked about the wonderful men we were,and what great potential we had, and what an impact we would make on the future defense of the US…and he couldn’t have been more right!

Paul Butalla   I’m sure most of my bro’s weren’t too concerned about getting to this point, but as one of those in the last couple of rows it was a real relief to finally realize the light at the end of the tunnel wasn’t an oncoming train!...and for Fred, “…Thank God Almighty, we’re free at last!”

Mark Holmes   Last row…LOL…yeah, we all got the same diploma.

Fred Weems   Q. What do they call Tail End Charley the day after graduation? A. Lieutenant.

Fred Weems   Q. What do they call the bottom graduate of med school? A. Doctor.

Willie Cosby   I have no idea what the SECDEF said – I was asleep…

Gary Exelby   I think it was the SecAF – but I think I was dozing myself.

Perry Lamy   No more ‘Tail End Charley’…except for the DGs the class gets their diplomas by squadron (1 to 40)…no public recognition for the last guy (I suppose that went the same way as Bring Me Men, Lil Pig-ville, flying real airplanes, regular commissions, flight school for everyone who wanted to go, getting really kicked out for honor, etc, etc).

Scott Arnott   I have no memory of who talked at our graduation, but I remember Gen Stewart!

Fred Weems   Gen Stewart’s speech was the best. Wish I had a copy somewhere.

Paul Kent   General Jimmy Stewart (the actor) spoke at our Ring Dining In. SecDef James Schlesinger spoke at our Graduation. But, no, I don’t remember much. I know I had a Frisbee that I tossed into the air at the end of the ceremony. And that I had signed in too late that night before, so I still have some confinements to serve. In fact, I’m serving one right now in my hotel room in Narita.

Ben Bosma   I remember hearing that distinct voice of General Stewart at the ring dining in. I was too far away from the podium to see him but will never forget that voice. 

Gary Exelby   I remember Stewart’s joke about how “isn’t it true that Mickey Mouse wears a General Vandenburg watch!”

Gary Exelby   Bummer on no Tail End Charley, Perry Lamy. But I am not surprised; I saw in the class of 2011 Contrails how many of the quotes (by Churchill, Robert E. Lee, and Patton) have been excised.

Gary Exelby   Oops, make that 2015; last year is when we got the thing.

Gilbert Braun   I was privileged to sit with General Stewart at dinner. What a memory.

Stephen Pitotti   Well, I’m impressed – the videotape did self-destruct. Additionally, the title is slightly dyslexic…like all of us of advanced maturity.

Fred Weems   Does anyone have a copy of his speech from that night? Please share.

Leon Smith Harrison   Young and good-looking.

Video: Graduation Parade


Video: Graduation



1. Dan & Rose-Marie Burda. (May 2013)

2. Rick Townsend on the job. (May 2013)

3. Steve & Barbara Wedell with son Brad. (Kyra Lindsay Wedell, May 2013)

4. Julius Hargrove: Grafton High School honor graduate honors Dad after chapel service Sunday. (June 2013)




5-6. Max & Nancy Della Pia with son John during his USAFA graduation activities. (Sarah Diane, May 2013)

7. Bruce Hopkin (center, rear) & Cary Pads Niehans (right) celebrating the USAFA graduation of Kimberly Hopkin. (May 2013)

8. Bob Oswalt & Elizabeth-Pierce Oswalt. (June 2013)





9. Larry Bottomley (Right). (Tracy Agrinzones Berryman, June 2013)

10. Hugo Posey at the Roman ruins of Sabratha, Libya. (May 2013 ) 

11. Charlie & Nazli Wintermeyer on a Baltic cruise during a Kandahar R&R, in Catherine the Great's Castle in St. Petersburg, Russia. (May 2013)



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