April 2005          Paul Kent

Paul Kent Takes Over as Class Scribe

New Scribe. After a highly rigorous and competitive search, I have been bestowed the honor of “Temporary Scribe Until Someone with Actual Talent Is Found”. And my ego will not be diminished just because no one else even volunteered. Yes, we all took for granted that Jeff Hackett would be “Scribe for Life.” But after 20 years, the man does deserve the break he has asked for. All I ask for is a little empathy in my attempt to replace a man whose wit and penmanship cannot be matched. Actually, Gentlemen, I ask for one more thing: Information. You see, I am embarrassed to say I do not remember all of us. Yes, I have read Jeff’s missives about all of our highs and lows; and sadly, some names and faces do not sound familiar. In fact, at our 20th Reunion, when Dean Spraggins crouched down and did 3 circles around me before rhetorically and embarrassingly asking “Paul?”, I knew that maybe I looked different, too. Jeff probably knows every name and some information about each of us. Thankfully, in this day of electronic communication, you can send me updates and pictures of your life and any of our classmate’s life that are too lazy (well, let’s say humble) to send anything in. Send me stuff early and often. Ah, I’ll bet you’ve just memorized that one, you old geezer. Even though you may forget your wedding anniversary, I know you will never forget [my email address] for the rest of your life. So, even if it is only a one-sentence update: send it in, boys.

Classmate Updates. Mike Goyden (squadron nickname “Vito”) was selected Colorado Coach of the Year with an undefeated High School boy’s soccer championship team which was nationally ranked #8. His High School girl’s soccer team had its best season ever with its third consecutive league championship. This is the same Colorado state where we spent 4 years of formative training in the mid 1970’s. As the bulk of us have left the service of our country, it is great to hear about contributions like Vito’s.

Small World Department: From Jeff Chappell: I arrived (at the Cincinatti airport) …. On my way out of the airport, I saw a lady wearing a distinctive black parka emblazoned "USAFA 75." I asked her where she got it, and she said from her husband, and I said "And he is???" You could have knocked me over with a feather when she replied "Sandy Terry." They were sending a daughter back to BYU …”

Jack Kummerfeld, succumbed to cancer on19 Oct 2004 in Cocoa, FL. Condolences may be sent to: Mrs Sun Kummerfeld, 1960 Little Pine Ave, Cocoa, FL 32926-3464.

From the "how weird is this?" category: From Duane Jones: Duane Lodrige is the deputy commander of the JTF - Armed Forces Inaugural Committee. As such he will be leading the Inaugural Parade, and in particular the Presidential Escort Detail as it steps off from the US Capitol east steps on 20 Jan. Less significant, but certainly adding to the '75 flavor, will be my role marching directly behind him for the same event. So what are the chances that 100% of the Air Force officers in the Inaugural Parade Joint Armed Forces Staff would be '75 guys named Duane?

US. Since this is my first column (and since I have zilch for input) I am obligated to retrospectively analyze who I am penning to and about. I believe we still hold the dubious record for greatest attrition from a Military Academy for a 4-year course. But why? “Who cares?”, you muse. Yes, but on with it. Certainly, the ending of the unpopular Viet Nam war before our 2nd Class Year contributed. But starting with the late 60’s and accelerating in the early 70’s, there truly was a “Peace, Love, and Hare Krishna” prevalence in our society. Everybody had long hair and was smoking pot. We just didn’t fit in, and a lot of us left, physically or emotionally. For the truly strong in character (not me), we are better off. Those were 4 tough years we went through; tougher for some than others. And where are we now? We’ve lost some. Others are sick. We have Generals and classmates that were court-martialed and sent to jail. We have millionaires and classmates that live hand-to-mouth. We have classmates that look still look like Adonis, and others that are overweight, bald, and ugly. And I am not talking just about me. Some have been divorced more than once. Others are lifelong bachelors. Some are grandparents many times over. Others have infants. But we all have one thing in common: We attended an all-male military academy at the base of the Rampart Range in the early 1970’s. And that is who I will respectively address this column to. Well, maybe not always respectively, but always “heartily."

New Website. For those of us that read Checkpoints only for the Class of 1975 Update Page (because of the superior literary quality; well, at least in the past), you may not be aware that for all things “Zoo-like”, there is a new web site, www.usafa.org. You will need your graduation ID (75xxxx) to register. If you don’t know it or can’t find it, I’ll make you a deal: Send me some info, a story, or something about you or a classmate, and I’ll email your graduation ID to you. You may have forgotten your graduation ID, but you’ve memorized your class scribes email address for the rest of your life. And once you log in, you can search for all those lost classmates that owe you money and get in contact with them. By the way, once you’re in, you might as well vote for the new AOG board. If that’s too complicated, just mail in the ballot included in this Checkpoints.

30th Reunion. Speaking of being owed money, this event would be a good place to collect. I attach the following from Scott Hente, who is organizing this gig. This was actually sent June 26th of last year:

1) Do you want to push for a reunion as early in the football season as possible?

2) Do we have to have the reunion coincide with a football game weekend?

3) Would you be in favor of a summer reunion (no football but plenty of time for golf, sightseeing, trips around Colorado, etc)?

4) What do you think should be the appropriate amount of money that should be required/collected for the “normal” events (class dinner, class reception, tailgate (assuming a football game), goodie bags, etc.?

5) Do you want the reunion hotel to be close to USAFA or can we be a little farther away (still in Colorado Springs) if we can get a great deal or they put together a really attractive package?

Please respond back to me (Scott) with your preferences based on the questions. Based on what I hope will be a large response indicating preferences, please put the following in the subject line: “USAFA ’75 30 year reunion”. You may e-mail me back, call me, or write Scott Hente.

Also, Bill Estelle is looking for pictures for a slide show. Email him with questions. Or just send a CD of picture files (with explanations) to Larry Bryant.

Anecdote. Not a lot for this column. I wasn’t honored with this position till January 6th eve with a January 10th deadline. You’ll probably find some lame excuse from me at the end of every column until I am justifiably relieved of duty. Hopefully, after a well-deserved rest, our “Scribe For Life” Jeff will return. Until the next column, “Seventy Five Best Alive”. That’s 30 years ago if you’re counting. Yikes!


Bill Ashcraft, Bill Murray, Tom Udall &
Greg Berlan in Fort Worth July 4, 2004



Happy “Best Alivers” at Jacks Valley
in August 1971

Checkpoints Extras






1. Bill Carrothers: Colombian, American, and Frenchman. Great team of Bronco pilots! Aplay AB, Colombia. (Bill Carrothers, April 2005)



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