Summer 2004          Jeff Hackett

Say It With Pictures. If you find yourself in the company of classmates my counsel is that you should be on your best behavior as it appears that as a group we are “snap happy” and it’s therefore likely any dalliance will be captured on film/ in pixels. I received no less than thirty-five pictures via e-mails this time and had a few of my own (from late June visit to Colorado Springs) to consider. As I’ve noted before, I’ll count on your understanding if one of your pictures didn’t make it to these pages due to space limitations.

Thirty Year Reunion. Can it possibly be that we’re almost upon that milestone?!? Thankfully we have Scott Hente and some other local-area folks working hard to pull things together. Many / most of you have already responded to Scott’s e-mail poll regarding some of the basics but, if you haven’t, please consider the following and send your thoughts to Scott with this subject line - “USAFA '75 30 Year Reunion". Scott’s looking for your inputs relative to: 1) Do you want to push for a reunion as early in the football season as possible? 2) Do we have to have the reunion coincide with a football game weekend? 3) Would you be in favor of a summer reunion (no football but plenty of time for golf, sightseeing, trips around Colorado, etc)? 4) What do you think should be the appropriate amount of money that should be required/collected for the "normal" events (class dinner, class reception, tailgate (assuming a football game), goodie bags, etc.? 5) Do you want the reunion hotel to be close to USAFA or can we be a little farther away (still in Colorado Springs) if we can get a great deal or they put together a really attractive package?

Career Milestones. Three names caught my eye in recent Senior Leadership Announcement; BG Eric Rosburg and BG Andy Dichter are on their way to the Pentagon (Office of Vice Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff respectively). And Dave Tillotson will be moving within the Deputy Chief of Staff’s office. Heard from several classmates that Perry Lamy’s change of command ceremony to become Commander of AFRL was first-class affair. And Larry Fariss’ returned to Falcon Stadium to mark the end of his USAF career. Heard many good things about the ceremony and (thanks to Jim Burling) was able to get one of the official photographer’s pictures; left to right in the photo: Linster, Duffy, Mitchell, Traylor, Clemons, Pearce, Eken, Rice, Cross, Fariss, Gronseth, Meyerrose, Fritzsche, Webber, Willis, Dowdy, Burling, and Turner) What a crowd!

Personal Milestones. Bill Davis advises that Dave Wallace’s wedding in Baton Rouge was a great event – I’m including photo of toast from the best man (one of Dave's three brothers, Hugh); the maid of honor is Jan's sister, Ann. As a result of this union and (Colonel) Jan’s orders from USAF, Dave has worked out a deal to travel from Fairbanks (where Jan will be Support Group CC at Eielson AFB) to Baltimore (where Dave will continue his work for Northrop-Grumman) on a monthly basis. Now that’s a commute!

I’ll let you decide if this belongs under the “My Hero” or the “Are You Out of Your Mind” heading – saw a note from Bill Taylor announcing he and his wife had triplets on March 16 (Jacob, Emily, and Ryan), to add to Luke, who turned 2 on April 18! Deflecting attention from his own state of sleep deprivation, Bill noted that Marty Miller had twins sometime earlier this year.

Other Gatherings. In terms of attendance, it looks like the Class of '75 progressive dinner hosted by Kent and Carole Traylor, Phil and Chris Pearce, and Brian and Jan Duffy. Jim Burling summarized, “The food was delicious, drinks ('ritas) powerful, and conversation was stimulating!” You won’t be able to make out all the faces in group photo but somewhere in there are; the Pearce’s, Traylor’s, Nancy and Bryon Bednar, Cathe and Dave Ferguson, Jon and Diane Turner, Michele and Lee Cross, Gwenda and Mike Rosebush, Dana and Jim Eken, Susan and AT Stoddard, Duffy’s, Dick Webber, Jim and Micci Burling, Roy Rice, Linda and Dale Meyerrose, and JD Barrowclough. Burr noted that special recognition goes to Roy Rice for making the trip from Alabama!

Sneaking in an extra picture since there are so few (worthwhile) words, Jim Carlson sent along a good picture taken during recent Lance Grace's visit to DC.

Thanks to those who contributed and special request to all of you who didn’t – get with the program! Why? Because it’s later than you think!


Gathering for Larry Fariss' Retirement


A Toast at the Wallace Wedding


Progressive Dinner in Colorado Springs


Mike Anderson, Lance Grace, & Jim Carlson

Checkpoints Extras






1. Tailgaters Scott Hente, Larry Fariss, Phil Pearce, & Dale Meyerrose.




Rapid City Journal
12 August 2004
Mark Holmes

News Clipping
25 August 2004
Dennis Brooks



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