Winter 1988          Jeff Hackett

Caught in the Checkpoints Feedback Loop. Here I am, taking down the Christmas tree and getting ready to go to the Freedom Bowl, yet compelled to wish you a Happy St. Patrick’s Day (since that will be the holiday-of-interest by the time you read this). Hope I get more St. Paddy’s Day cards from you guys than the “barely-enough-to-put-a-scare-into-the-mailbox-spider” supply of Christmas cards I received. As a matter of fact, reflecting on this puts me in a holiday spirit that’s apparently akin to what one experiences at Kunsan AB, Korea: Lee Colburn sent me the 80TFS card: “NEITHER CAN YOU!” was the message inside. Also got a letter from him back in October that included the news of his marriage to an Air Force (major) physical therapist, Jeanine, whom he had met at Homestead. At that time Dave Commons and Lee were both flight commanders in the 80th. Dave was, according to Lee, also heavily involved in the Juvat “Boys Choir.” I won’t even attempt to explain that one. I will say that Dave had better write/call soon or I’ll be forced to publish a few of the rumors I heard. Lee also included the news that Steve and Colleen Martin (godparents Colburn’s son) has settled in Miami where Steve is with Eastern for the past couple of years. Steve apparently passed on (from the Grad Airline Pilot Hotline) that Don McDonough is based in New York with Eastern and Paul Kent is with Northwest Orient out of Seattle.

Counting Down the Kids/Rest of the Christmas News. Four! The Willis’ Christmas card was signed “Wayne, Amy and 4!” With four kids you can imagine that the letter was filled with his ballgames, scouts, and numerous activities… I’m not sure how Wayne finds time to fly the F-15 at Holloman. And it’s for sure I can’t see how Amy manages to be “companion, mother, business lady (seller of fine fabrics), college student and choir director.” Three! Dale, Linda, and the three Meyerrose girls are back in Washington DC. Dale says he’s back at the Pentagon because he didn’t learn enough the first time. I’ve got my own suspicions…move over Ollie North! Two! I had to include this picture of the Donnelly family just to ask you, is that Mark’s old summer mess dress that his son is wearing? Lucy said that Mark’s work at HQ MAC is interesting and they’ve made lots of friends but Mark would rather be flying. For those of us who know Mark, not a very surprising revelation. One. (Pardon me for being a trifle self-indulgent but none of the other ‘75ers with only one child sent a card…besides, it’s a heck of a picture)! We’re doing just great and, as I said at the outset, getting charged up for the Freedom Bowl. The “It’s-A-Small-Air-Force-World” theory has caught up with us again as we discovered Tiffany’s third-grade teacher was a high school classmate of Wayne Willis! Debby has gone to work for the American Express and I’ve made a move within McDonnell Douglas Helicopter. I’m now the engineering project manager for our commercial and “light-military” helicopter products.

Yea, But Has He Ever Had Anything Published in Checkpoints!? Jim Sills ('74, HH-53 pilot extraordinaire) authored a really interesting article in the November ‘87 Guideposts magazine. It details a rescue mission he commanded to pluck a Russian doctor off a ship…in the midst of a tropical storm! Seems Comrade Doctor had acute appendicitis and Jim had tungsten steel…ah, Jim was really brave. I hope Jim’s wife, Sindi, and daughter, Christine, don’t mind if we share a little of their pride in our classmate for such a humanitarian/heroic act.

There Was Noting Else To Do So I Thought I’d Write/Call. Got a letter from Jim Kochevar who’s a pilot with USAir, living in Coraopolis, PA with his wife, Dena. He’s a Reservist at Andrews and has been with the airline two years; long enough to know that Chris Fillar, Craig Federson and Jeff Krumeich are also with the “when I say I lost an engine, I mean I LOST an engine” airline. (Special pat on the back to Mark Scott, who Jim mentioned as the guy who shamed him into joining the AOG and writing to me)!

Dan McCorry called a few days after I submitted the last article with a wealth of information about the world at Edwards AFB. He and Robin had just had their second son and Dan was settling into teaching at TPS, where he came after a stint with the F-20 Program. John Howard has also come back to the school to teach following work with the F-16 AFTI. Sam Ryals was teaching at the school but looking for an imminent PCA. Craig Christian has returned to teaching having just finished a tour as the bomber branch chief at the 6512th Test Squadron. Apparently no one organization has to take more than their fair share of ‘75ers, since Steve Pitotti is going the other way, from the school to the 6512th where he’ll be fighter branch chief. Lance Grace and Jim Heald are involved in F-15E testing, Terry Markovich and Dave White are doing likewise with the MC-130 Combat Talon II. Chris Glaeser is associated with the F-16 Lantern Program and, last but not least, Eric Hoganson is a B-1 test pilot.

Lumps of Coal I Found in My Stocking. Yep, the change-of-address cards. At least I got three of the “expanded” AOG-format ones that give a little bit of a hint about what it means. Oleh Stefaniuk is now residing in Rialto, CA and working for Quantum Instruments, Inc. I’m sure Chuck Beadling is “suffering” in his new assignment as the family physician at Florennes AB, Belgium. Literally on the other side of the world you can find David Blessinger in Guam, where he’s the chief of Bomber Scheduling at Anderson AFB. Now I’m sure the stuff you wouldn’t sleep tonight without knowing (remember by not writing to me, you’re doing this to yourself): Tom Darner from California to Norfolk, VA (suppose he’s going off to school where he’ll organize a “write your scribe?”); Michael Weininger from points unknown to Homestead, FL; Bob Turner from Minot to an APO San Francisco address; Richard Grasso made a local move in Stamford, CT and Alan Krukowski moved from somewhere in Minnesota you’ve never heard of to another place in Minnesota you’ve never heard of. (God, I love this!!!).

It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over. I normally try to leave you with the sweet taste of C-o-A card dung in your mouth as we close; enticing or shaming you (What’s the difference?) into writing/calling me. But not this time! Unless you were totally asleep at the wheel you must have noticed the rather impressive launching of the AOG Headquarters/Alumni House Capital Campaign in the last issue of the Checkpoints. (If you normally just read this article and toss the rest, go get the last magazine and look it over…while you’re at it, have yourself committed). The AOG solicited words of inspiration from key members of each class and, since they had already seen so much of my “good work”…they asked Tim O’Connell! Tim forwarded the following along with his generous ($) contribution:

“As you have read in previous issues of Checkpoints, the AOG has initiated their most ambitious project ever. This effort will result in a 32,000 square foot, two-level multipurpose structure west of the O’Club. If you have returned to USAFA recently, you can appreciate the services this complex will provide for reunions, pre/post game activities, class displays, ceremonies, and social functions. And, if you have lived in the Springs recently, you are familiar with the AOG’s desperate need for an expanded, permanent home.

“Of the $5.5 million needed, the alumni (the benefactors of this project) are being asked to contribute $1 million. By my definition this isn’t small change. However, if each living grad contributed only $50, the 20,000 of us would meet the goal.
“Besides asking for financial support the AOG has asked me to pass on two requests. First, seek out classmates who are non-members and pass the word. The AOG can provide you extra copies of the Fall Checkpoints centerfold. Second, if you are able to serve as a base, region, or class point of contact, please notify the AOG. Your leadership would be greatly appreciated.

“Please reread the information on the project with a vision of the social and professional benefits of the AOG Headquarters Building/Alumni House can have for years to come.”

As I said in the last issue, our class has a little negative notoriety when it comes to things like this. My check will accompany Tim’s when I mail the article in. Will you join us?

P.S. Tim included the following news with his editorial. He, his wife (Roni), three children, three horses and dogs left USAFA for ACSC this summer. They’ve taken up residence in a 120-year-old farmhouse there in Alabama. He’s seen the following classmates at Montgomery: Mike Reese, Greg Berlan, Mike Coman, Lamar Lewis, Clay McFarland, Clay Nobles, Phil Romanowicz, Jed Vandendries, George Walrond, and Rick Pyatt. Tim specifically mentioned that it was Rick’s leg that got broken in four places playing ACSC “safe” softball, so NONE of you guys have an excuse not to write. Maybe even a “Class Photo!?”

P.S.S The Checkpoints editor has ragged on us class scribes for being overly verbose so, nothing cute, just the same old reminder, it’s later than you think!


The Donnelly Family



The Hackett Family

Spring 1988          Jeff Hackett

That Wasn’t a Mistake, It Was…a Test! Yeah, That’s the Ticket! A few of you probably picked up on the fact that in the last magazine I granted one Jim Sills (Class of 1974) honorary status into our sacred rights. He should be so lucky! Actually, this is a case of “screw up and trust a real classmate” who sends you some information (don’t worry Kent, I won’t ever tell them who it was). Now that I think back on it, flying a big fat, overpowered helicopter and a little ol’ rainstorm wasn’t such a big deal after all!

Beggars can't be choosers and, based on these past three months, your class scribe definitely belongs in the former category. Two letters, two phone calls, a visit, and the omnipresent change-of-address cards. At this point I invite you send me fabrications, lies, and half-truths. (Should make it easy for the fighter jocks and airline pilots)!

Checkpoints Feedback Loop, Part II. You read about our planned trip to the Freedom Bowl (December 30) while coloring your Easter eggs, now you can hear what happened while lighting off your Fourth of July fireworks! Ain’t it great? Saw Brent and Kaye Hall. Brent had just started flying for Southwest out of Phoenix but they’re still living in Las Vegas. Also had a chance to see Larry Bryant and Wayne Willis; nothing new to report since last time I mentioned these guys other than to say that Larry’s mom and I are very disappointed that he hasn’t written me yet (see the Fall ’87 article). For you skeptics I should also mention that Wayne was wearing one of those new Air Force "Pilot Retention" leather jackets; since he’s still “in” I guess we’ll have to say it works! Brian Duffy (and several other grad-astronauts) sported blue NASA flight jackets. Brian was taking a break from his normal routine in Houston and had led a three-ship of NASA T-38s out to Southern California “on business” that day. My sources tell me the “normal routine” for Brian has been pretty tough over the past year. He’s been the equivalent of an executive officer (in NASA terms, “The bubba”) to the Astronaut/flight Operations Head Kahuna. Trust me folks, we yelled our brains out and generally embarrassed all who accompanied us, but as you well know it went for naught. (At least our coach didn’t quit after the game)!

Late for ’87 or Early for ’88. I’ll give Dave, Nancy, Michael and Phillip Clough the benefit of the doubt and credit them with sending me my first 1988 Christmas Card. Dave indicated that he knew, this being a leap year, it must be time to write the class scribe again. The big news is that since they didn’t give Dave one of those leather jackets he’s left active duty and is doing a one-year fellowship in Houston before going into a private practice in Omaha. He’s seen Bill Caskey while in Houston, although Bill is normally found in Florida where he’s doing a fellowship in cardiovascular anesthesia. He didn’t get a leather jacket either.

This Article Complies with All Equal Opportunity Guidelines and Welcomes Inputs from Women! Bev Lenci wrote me a letter to update me on our seafaring classmate. Mark is now XO on a sub out of Mare Island, CA and Bev advises that “the Navy not only provides adventures for the sailors, but for the wives as well!” Seems Mark returned to their last duty station (after a six-month deployment) just in time for the birth of their third child but had to press on to Mare Island not too long afterwards. This afforded Bev the opportunity to drive across country with all three kids. Mark doesn’t need a leather jacket; he needs a strait jacket! I’m looking for more true stories from other wives!

It’s the Next Best Thing to Being There. Dan McCorry called again, this time with a wealth of information on a host of folks out at Edwards; or more accurately, who used to be at Edwards. Dan, Sam Ryals and Jim Heald are all off to school this summer (Dan and Sam with the Army at Fort Leavenworth, Jim to Maxwell). John Howard didn’t like his leather jacket and went to Florida where nobody wears a jacket; Chris Glaeser may also be leaving active duty in the fall. On the other side of the coin, Kevin Burns will be returning to the Edwards/TPS community, from an F-15 tour in Alaska, this summer.

Dan also updated me on a couple of Armed Forces Staff College certified charming graduates: Tom Darner and Perry Lamy – both to Korea and Buck Rogers to the Pentagon. Last but not least, be advised that Rich Wilson is in B-1s at Ellsworth and Dave Dyche is driving C-130s at Clark AB.

Mark Fantasia completely stumped me with a “Guess who?” call a couple of weeks ago! But I was glad to hear that he and Charlie are happily settled at Hanscom with their three children. Mark and Kevin Donovan are both working in program management for Electronic Systems Division.

Was It Something I Said? Personal notes of regrets for the Hackett family this past three months as we saw Jon and Diane Turner leave Phoenix for Colorado Springs and Kent and Carol Traylor leave the CONUS for Germany. The Turners were especially happy to be going back to an area they have fond memories of and Jon was super-enthusiastic about his new job with Hewlett-Packard. Kent is equally stoked to be going to work in a joint assignment with Allied Air Forces Central Europe; it will apparently be quite an adventure for the whole Traylor family.

(C-o-A Cards) How Do I Love Them? Let Me Count the Ways. Four, thank God, I only got four of the suckers! Rex Hoey utilized all blank areas of the card to inform us that 1) he’s finishing up his action officer assignment at the Pentagon, 2) his third child, a boy, was born recently, 3) he’s on his way to Language School, and 4) in May ’89 he’ll start work as the assistant air attaché in Tel Aviv. John Gaughan is now J-3 at SPACECOM. John Woodward continued East from Norfolk and is now at an APO, NY address. Mike McClendon is now in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.

And I Oughta Know! A little advice from the guy who got surprised by the timing of my Reserve of the Air Force Major’s Promotion Board and had to do all of SOS (by correspondence) in four months and four days…it really is later than you think!


Summer 1988          Jeff Hackett

The Long and Short of It. Tomorrow will be the longest day of the year so it’s only fitting that tonight I will pen a very short article. Can’t do much else with three letters and one phone call, folks. Lest the point be lost on you, that means that, if not for four of your classmates (.005% of the class) you’d be reading about the Class of ’76 right now. What that means is that about 99 and 44/100ths percent of you are not pure. Clean up your act and write the scribe this weekend.

Picture This… I thought maybe the article would seem longer if I threw in some pictures of good-looking women! Before you get too “cranked up” please note that these two ladies appear to have found the ‘75ersof their choice. In the first case we have Jenni Carlson and her dad, Jim. Jenni will be helping out with the move to Rancho California (near Riverside) this summer. I’ll bet you noticed the uniform…still sharp as the proverbial razor blade. Jim’s in the Naval Reserve, recently frocked to O-4, and off to Defense Intelligence School in July. He’s solved the Colt Mefford mystery for us by confiding that Colt is not residing in a defunct commune in Oregon…it’s worse than that, he’s working for Booz-Allen in the Washington, DC area.

You’d Smile Too if Your Dad Was This Lucky! By golly, (Bill Buchta) has a pretty big smile too…and rightly so. Bill wrote to us that he and his wife, Lori, have completed residency training (he in preventative and occupational medicine, she in dermatology). The smiles are the result of Bill’s “you-gotta-pay-us-back-for-all-that-schooling” assignment: Family practitioner at the Hickam AFB clinic for four years. Mercifully, the Buchta’s letter was mostly word-processed and I therefore feel pretty confident about what I’ve told you so far. The rest was scrawled by Doctor Buchta in his best “Medical-Penmanship,” so it’s pretty much my best guess at what he was trying to tell us. I think: Tom and Diane Abshire will be relocating soon also; they’re off to Keesler AFB where Tom will be in pediatric hematology/oncology. I believe Bill also wrote something about Mike Loose being in a lab with him at medical school in Wisconsin. Mike’s working on a PhD in neuroanatomy.

Trust Us, We’ll Be Your Character Witness! (and we won’t even tell about that time in the tunnels with you and the girl from Mitchell High School). Actually I’m not sure none of the ‘75er “Pentagon Pals” that Jim Scherer wrote me about have anything to do with the nasty goings-on in Washington. I do wonder if I should hire a lawyer since I work for a major defense contactor and have received mail form a military “insider” (anyone with an office symbol like “XOXXI!” must be in-the-know). That’s where Jim is and he says he’s seen Buck Rogers (brand new father; mom and daughter doing fine), Carl VanPelt, Mark Beesley, Rex Hoey, Doug Fraser, Bob Dorsey, Dick Webber, Clint Waltman, Bob Gambrell, Curt Osterheld, Joe Siniscalchi, and Dave Williamson “wandering the halls” (his words). “Get your butts out of the hall and back to your desk and write the scribe!” (my words). Jim has recently touched base with Jack Storer. He and his wife, Theresa, just had a daughter. Jack’s sitting 727 right seat for Northwest. Also passed along the word that Steve Brown is now aide to the commander of Alaskan Air Command.

Call Now! Operators are Standing By! Bill Murray called me last weekend on his way through Luke AFB. He was in the middle of a Reserve C-130 trip out of NAS Dallas. Mr. Murray spends his weekdays working in program management for E-Systems there in Northeast Texas. And, oh yes, also tends to his husbandly and fatherly pastimes with Judy and the two girls. Bill related the news that one of Gary and Patty Matson’s girls was just “turning the corner” following surgery for the removal of a brain tumor. For now, Gary was about to return to his flying duties with Southwest Airlines and all was getting back to normal in Houston. In any case I’m sure the whole class is thinking of you guys.

More news about guys flying the Company Plane, through The Friendly Skies, Loving to Fly and Letting it Show…Mark Stickney is with Northwest and flying Reserve C-130s in Minnesota. Dave Young is in Atlanta and flying for Delta; still maintains some part-time duties with the Navigators organization.

Bill also knew that Jerry Cooke is in ATC Stan/Eval at Randolph, Larry Fariss is leaving MPC (UPT Assignments) on his way to ACSC, and Corrie Kundert is a B-1 EWO at Dyess AFB.

Why? Because We Like You! Well, boys and girls, that’ll have to do until next time we get together. Remember to just say “no,” be good to one another, brush (and floss) after every meal, say your prayers at night, and, most of all, CALL OR WRITE YOUR CLASS SCRIBE THIS WEEKEND! Cause if you don’t, bad things will happen to you and it will suddenly become much, much later than you think!


Jim & Jenni Carlson



Bill Buchta & ...

Fall 1988          Jeff Hackett

Just the Facts Ma’am. This promises to be one of the least entertaining but most informative pieces in the magazine. You can thank Marvin Cox, Kent Traylor, Dave Anhalt, USA today, Paul Williams, and Jim Burling for that; I start my fourth year of “Scribedon” absolutely overwhelmed with news of our classmates. Thanks!…I think.

Marvin and Marsha Cox hosted a mini reunion in Newport News back in June and were nice enough to pass on some words and photos. Unfortunately the pictures can’t be included, as they were a bit dark for reprinting but I kept them in my files. Drop in for a personal review. What you’ll see is the Rudy Roth family; Rudy, Virginia and their two boys are on their way to Elmendorf AFB, AK, where Rudy will be the base dermatologist. We also got a shot of Don Byers’ family; Don (PSA/USAir pilot) and his wife, Gina have three girls and live in Fresno, CA. We don’t actually get to see Marvin (would you surrender your camera to a doctor or an airline pilot?) but we do get to see Marsha and two little Coxes. Marvin is at Langley AFB as the 1AF deputy chief, Live Exercise Division… (don’t ask me, it has something to do with NORAD and probably beats the heck out of working in the “Dead” exercise division)!

Public Notice. Kent Traylor’s promise to get involved with the AOG Chapter in Germany and pass along words of our classmates is hereby a matter of public record. As you recall he’s now working in the Offensive Operations, Attack Division of NATO Headquarters. Kent confirms what we’ve already guessed, working in an office with fighter pilots from six different nations generates an immense amount of lying on a typical day! Carole is working for the Army as an occupational health nurse. Maybe it’s just the surroundings, but Kent says Meagan is looking more and more like Heidi every day. Jack Barton and family arrived in Germany this summer from Leavenworth. Walt Burns and Greg Black are also stationed there. Kent also ran into Lt Col Duck Layman; Duck’s an F-111 AGS squadron commander in England.

It Wasn’t Banner Headlines But… If you’re a scribe you really have to look for the news everywhere; the August 18th USA Today sports section had a little piece announcing that Dan Kraft has left the Academy basketball staff to enter private business. Fear not! The institution remains in good hands as Paul Williams has arrived to take over as AOC of Bull Six. Paul wrote to say he was “up to my nose in boxes (from the move) and basics (from the Class of 1992).” Paul took the trouble to put together a list of 30-plus ‘75ers who are in the ACSC Class of 1988 and where they were headed to; due to space constraints, I’ll hold that list until the next AOG Register comes out and print anything that gets overlooked.

Extra-Credit Writing Assignment. I hope Dave Anhalt got some kind of perk for taking the trouble to snap a picture and “collect the goods” on this group of Armed Forces Staff College grads. From left (and in Dave’s own words) are: Bill Kurey, most recently an F-15 pilot from Alaska, who will be honing his newly-learned staff skills at HQ NORAD, Peterson AFB, CO. Specifically, he’ll be assigned to the Plans – Engagement Systems division, fighter Branch. Dave Wallace, returning from a “harrying” exchange tour in England where he flew the GR-3 (original British version of the AV-8A Harrier), will also be cooling his jets at NORAD in the Contingency Operations Group. Charlie Bergman, who’s been stateside his whole career (flying the BUFF and on Air Staff) will finally be assigned overseas to Yokota AB, Japan where he’ll work for U.S. Forces–Japan. The tall guy in the center of the picture, Mike Fitz, civil-engineer extraordinaire, will be plying his talents for the J-4 staff (logistics) of CENTCOM at MacDill AFB. Mike was formerly a professor of Civil Engineering at USAFA. Dave Anhalt, flight test engineer, is headed for SDIO – “Star Wars,” the Pentagon, where he will work in the Kinetic Energy Weapons Directorate. Mac McIntosh, Eagle driver, is also headed to the Pentagon working with International Arms Sales. Mac was last assigned as an F-15 advisor/instructor pilot in Saudi Arabia. On the far right is Gary Shugart, B-52 bombardier/navigator. He expects to be reassigned to the Sacramento, CA area. Gary was formerly a nav instructor at Mather AFB.

Alright, Alright, that Does It! He’s In the Will. Not that I’ll have much to leave, but Jim Burling will get part of it; 12 years ago he sang in our wedding and now (for the second time in 18 months) he’s gotten a group of our classmates together, pushed “75 News Notes” forms (homemade) into their hands, taken a picture, stuffed it all in an envelope and spent a whole 65 cents to mail it to the scribe. Jim orchestrated a luncheon on the 17th Anniversary of our first walk up the “Bring Me Men” Core Values ramp. Those who were able to attend are pictured, and again, from left are: Hal Jerry Cooke, who was just finishing up an assignment with HQ ATC Stan/Eval at Randolph when the picture was taken. He’s now here at Williams AFB (flying T-38s) with his wife and five children. Jim Heriot apparently could not bring himself to don his USAF Reserve uniform with 2Lt bars! I don’t pretend to understand it all but it has to do with being in his last year of med school (12th year of formal education paid for by USAF)! His service commitments will expire just before the turn of the century. Jim is married and his wife, Gwyn, is a 1Lt in the B.S.C. at Wilford Hall (accuse me of living in a phone booth but I haven’t the slightest idea what “B.S.C.” stands for). Larry Fariss is smiling through from the back row; he’s just finished three years at MPC making UPT/UNT graduates happy. He’ll attend ACSC on his way back to the C-130 cockpit at Dyess AFB, TX. Brad Shields is “front and center;” he’s also at MPC where he works joint assignments for rated folks in the Europe/Middle East area. Brad has two daughters. Standing above the rest is my hero, Jim Burling. If you’re interested in Space Operations assignments and/or getting back to the Springs, Jim can help. He’s the Chief of Space Operations Assignments at MPC and sends a full 60 percent of the folks to Colorado. He and his wife Micci have two boys and a third child on the way. Bill Dalson (in the flight suit) is ATC/DOV (T-38s) at Randolph. He and his wife, Cleo, have two boys. Bill thinks he’ll be off to ACSC next year to test out the shortened course. Jim Corrigan (next to last on right) was at ACSC last year…says that’s where he got his handicap back down! Jim is reluctantly working colonels’ assignments at MPC and fervently looking for a way back to flying F-16s. He and Kim have three boys – “all hell-raisers and ball-players.” Mike Johnston rounds out the group. Mike is a labor counsel assigned to the Air Force Central Labor Law Office where he represents Air Force management in labor litigation.

Finishing Up With “Beginnings.” Jim’s “News Notes” forms had an area for these eight guys to pass on “News of Other Classmates.” Due to the length of this article I’m only able to pass on the wedding and birth announcement. Scott and Carolyn Spring recently had a baby. They live in San Antonio where Scott sells investments. Lee J. and Julianne Monroe are on their way to RAF Lakenheath (F-111s) from Cannon AFB, NM with their one-year-baby. Walt Pekarsky got married this past spring; they live in the Sacramento area and he sells medical supplies. Julius Hargrove is at MacDill getting ready to return to flying (F-16s) and preparing for an autumn wedding to Captain Karen Diggs. The wedding will be in Charleston, SC and then the happy couple will be off to Ramstein AB, Germany.

What, No Change-of-Address Cards?! Yes, it’s true, we’ve all been spared that fate once again. (There were twenty-four of them in the envelope from the AOG)! I’ll just hang on to ‘em, you guys will tell me whether or not you want to see them by voting with your letters and phone calls. Remember to add the entire Class of ’75 to your Christmas card list by writing to your scribe…it’s later than you think but it’s not too late.


Armed Forces Staff College Grads
Bill Kurey, Dave Wallace, Charlie Bergman, Mike Fitz, Dave Anhalt, Mac McIntosh, & Gary Shugart



17th Anniversary Luncheon  5 July 1988
Jerry Cooke, Jim Heriot, Larry Fariss, Brad Shields, Jim Burling, Bill Dalson, Jim Corrigan, & Mike Johnston






1. Bill Carrothers at Davis-Monthan AFB with the 333rd TFTS Lancers.  




Undergraduate Space Training
May 1988


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